#Hogwarts | shelbgrey (2024)

Say Something... (Draco Malfoy)

Paring: Draco malfoy X Weasley!Reader

Summary: Ron Weasley's twin sister gets torchored by death eaters and her boyfriend Draco struggles to get her to talk while also helping her family take care of her.

Potter MasterList

Everything hurt....

You were covered in bruises and burns. Though it felt like half of your brain was no longer working as you felt yourself becoming more and more numb, you reckoned you were gonna survive, at least with a dozen or so scars. You winced feeling every bone in your body ache and burn.

Your throat burned and felt like sandpaper. Unknowingly your blood stained hands rubbed your throat. The dry and scratchy feeling isn't what hurt though. You sighed feeling the emptiness of your neck. The death eaters had taken the ring you wore on a Chang on your neck. That should be the least of your problems right? But it was the ring Draco gave you. It was a reminder of what or who you were protecting.

His broken voice filed through your fried brain... At least you think it's his. Your heart clinched at the sound of his voice but your brain seemed to not process it.

“this is my mess... I can't let you do this”

“the spell is already done, Draco. I’m your secret keeper. Besides, I don’t need you to let me do anything.”

“You could die! You realize that? You could get tortured! You know what happened to the Longbottoms!”

He felt small and useless that day. He knew he couldn't stop you... What killed him was he knew he couldn't protect you. For a moment Draco thought that there was no one in the world who would dare challenge you on this or that no Death Eater would ever go near you with the intent to torture.He knew no one would be able to convince you other wise.

Not even your brothers...

“please don't do this...” he said feeling weak.

Your feet crunched on the wet grass, and the cold only served to soothe your suffering for a few more moments as you walked to the door of the burrow you called home. In the distance you could hear Ron and Draco arguing. That was nothing new, the two had never and probably never will get along.

It took a while but your Family did welcome Draco into the family with open arms. He felt safer in the burrow than he did in his own home. The twins and excepted it first and tried their best to be friends to Draco and soon the three became closer than you expected. And of course your mother Molly treated him like one of her own which overwhelmed Draco at first but he grew to appreciate and love it.

Vaguely, you heard George defuse the squabbling boys, asking if anyone heard that. Through your dark clouded mind you knew that if didn't speak something bad would happen. If you did speak the same outcome might happen. I tried to call out to the voices but nothing came out. If you didn’t say you were there and that it was all still safe they might finish what the Death Eaters started.

The idea of that seemed to be too much, and before you knew it you felt your leg give out underneath you as you stepped forward, and the ground rushed up to meet you as your vision went black.

The arguing stopped, you knew that much. You could hear a familiar voice call out your name on the distance. A door open and slammed shut. The force made you jolt in fear but your body didn't move. Your fried brain had been wired to tell your body it's time for more pain.

You wanted to flinch and protect your body but you felt too weak to move.


the harshness of an unforgiving curse wasn't shot through your vains. Nor was the harshness of a fist. What was felt was gentle hands cradling you to his chest. It felt like Ron... You think. Your brain didn't seem to have it on file but something was telling you it was your over protective twin brother.

He looked down and spoke softly. “hey, what happened? Who did this?” Ron looked up and saw the the rest of the residents of the burrow file out. Fred stopped in shock seeing his little sister all beaten up. George left his twin and raced over to the youngest pair of twins.

Ron looked up to the group with tears flooding is eyes. “who did This! What's wrong with her!” he shouted. The other stood there speechless.

After cooling off and his brain was thinking rationally he walked outside to see what the commotion was about. Draco's chest tightened at the sight that was before him. His Love all bloddy and hurt in her brother's sobbing arms.

“no!” he shouted and ran to her. He fell to his knees in front of Ron who was still holding her. Draco wasn't one to cry in front of people who wasn't you but he didn't care at this point. He sob and tried to take you but Ron wasn't having it. Not thinking straight enough to agrue with your brother he stared at the wet grass and punched it with anger. The fist being used only made him angrier. It was the fist that was attached to the arm that once held his death eater mark. It was gone after a painful process that you were against. The scar that remained only reminded him you were in this situation because you were protecting him.

Your father tired to take you inside but Ron flintched away. It was the first time ever anyone saw Ron shout at your father. “don't touch her”

Draco didn't even try. He knew Ron blamed him and he wouldn't be surprised if the the whole family did. Your mother tried to reason with Ron but he just protectevly picked you up and kept everyone away as he took you inside. Everyone quickly followed...

Except the numb Slytherin who was on his knees Sobbing. Your mother who so desperately wanted to a follow and care for her daughter stayed behind. She knew Ron would probably hex the next person who came near you. She also knew her son well enough to know he was waiting for it to be Draco.

“I'm so sorry” Draco sobbed out to the red-head mother. “I never wanted her to do this for me... I'm sorry” Mrs. Weasley knelt down next to him and hugged him trying to calm him down.

“its not your fault” she spoke softly.

It's not your fault

But in his mind he knew it was...

You could not think. You could not feel. It was not until a few moments later when you felt your body gently senk into a familiar couch. The old creaky couch never felt so good. someone with vaguely familiar feeling hands was kneeling next to you, pulling you up to sit and pressing a glass of water to your lips that you finally began to feel everything rushing back.

It hurt...

Everything hurt so much...

Draco watched silently next to the door frame in the kitchen. He kept his distance as he watched your brothers take care of you. He felt relieved Ginny was out With Harry not wanting the young girl to see her sister in pain. Feeling he over stepped his leave and the tension was an unwelcoming feeling that told him he should leave but the sight of you made him plant his root right where he was.

If no one would let him near you he'd watch you like a hawk from a far making sure no one hurt you.

It was all too much. you could see the familiar red-head boys in front of you, your poor brother George with just one ear. Ron sat next to you with tears in his eyes saying things that you could hardly make yourself hear. You saw everyone except one... You didn't move but your E/c eyes scanned around the room for the Blond Slytherin you swor to protect.

Your mother followed your eyes and she just knew what you wanted. Your crying brothers isn't what you need. She walked over to Draco who had his head down and was hiding behind the blond hairs that fell over his eyes. She placed her hand over his shoulder to get his attention. He looked at her with red puffy eyes.

“she needs you right now”

Draco gulped and knelt down front of the couch you were laying on. Ron gave him a death glare and opened his mouth to say something but your father put his hand on Ron's shoulder stopping him.

Draco gently took your hand and kissed it softly as he whispered. You knew he was asking what happened, hoping you would say it was nothing while Ron seemed much less optimistic. He was fuled with rage.

You wanted to say something but you couldn't.

It was all too much... And you were scared.

Your shaking hand could hardly hold on to Draco's pale one. His other one moved to hold that weight of your cut up and bruised hand.

You took in one long breath, and released it. There was a part of you saying to keep fighting. That you’d come this far. That talking couldn’t be that hard! You’d gotten tortured for information and fought off a pair of Death Eaters for Christ's sake! Talking to your boyfriend and your brothers would be easy.

Saying all of that was right.... Right?

It would be kinder to your brothers...

It would be better for Draco..

But it hurts.. So, so much.

The pain wouldn't leave. Feeling every ache, every burn, and cut made you feel vulnerable and useless... You didn't want to talk or even think.. Everything felt muffled and faded.

You layed there wondering if you should force yourself to snap out of it before you decided that it simply was going to hurt too much right now to do that. To talk. To relive it all. You looked up at Draco and the sounds you were hearing didn’t seem to match up with how his lips were moving. He seemed frantic. He looked so scared that it was just one more jab to your stomach.

You closed your bruised eyes not wanting to see Draco so distraught. No, you didn't want to feel anything anymore.

Draco nor your brothers knew what to do. Ron found you passed out in the yard after a heated argument between Ron and Draco. There was large gashes in your shirt that showed a wounds on your chest and sides that while obviously not lethal, seemed to be pouring out a lot of blood.

There was bruises and burns all round your neck and arms.

There was a long cut on down your left eye that made Bill's stomach turn.

“Y/n? I need you to talk to me. What happened? Are you alright?” Draco tried his best to seem calm, and to speak in a soothing manner but even he could hear the fear in his own voice.“please,Darling.”

He was vaguely aware of Fred and George on the other side of you, making quick work of your wounds. One of the benefits of being a children of Molly Weasley meant that they both had quite a bit of experience with healing spells. Not as much as their mum’s, but more than enough to pull you through.

“y/n..” a small voice suddenly appeared. They all looked up aside from you and saw Ginny covered her mouth and tears fell fast. Harry stood there speechless as he tried to comfort Ginny. Your mother quickly moved away and tried to move Ginny and Harry upstairs. Ginny tried to fight to see you but she gave up breaking in Harry's arms.

“Love?” Draco's throat felt tight, as he watched your eyes glaze over-you were still looking in his direction, seemingly at his face, but Draco got the sense that you were no longer really seeing.

Ron moved to her line of sight with a defeated look “Tell me what happened.” you didn't answer and your eyes trailed back to Draco.

he smoothed out your hair, pressing a kiss to the matted, bloody mess. Eyes squeezed tight he waited with baited breath for you to speak until he felt your father squeeze his shoulder.

“What happened?” Draco knew of course. It was quite obvious what had happened to you, but that didn’t keep him from wanting to deny what was obvious. He looked up at your father with tears.

George looked at your boyfriend sadly.“She was tortured, and now we’re going to patch her up.” he could already hear Draco about to wonder aloud if you’d turn out like the Longbottom’s, and quickly nipped that in the bud.“Let’s get her cleaned up and into bed. She’ll feel better then, and maybe she’ll start talking.”

That seemed to give both Draco and Ron a spark of hope. Wrapping one arm around your shoulders, and slipping another under your knees, Draco lifted you up and carried you towards the bathroom. Ron tried to follow but your father stopped him and your mother went.

--------( ....... )--------

You hadn’t talked since you've been home. It had been ten and a half days, and you showed no more sign of speaking than you did on that first night.

Your wounds had been mended or were healing, all going well. Draco dutifully changed your bandages twice a day, and helped clean you off at night. He made sure you ate thrice a day, drank plenty of water, and stayed close to you the entire time.

Draco constantly spoke to you.

It's the most you've ever heard him talk in the burrow. He was always afraid he'd over step and he was always afraid he'd say the wrong thing. if you were in a different situation you'd be proud of him.

Draco would talk About anything that came to his mind. The boy was quickly becoming used to saying whatever his first thought was that came to him. Fred and George noted rather sadly that their sister's boyfriend's thoughts seemed to be running in sad circles as the days added up.

Draco didn't give up on you though.

It reminded George a lot of when you were a child and you would talk to the stuffed Dragon Charlie got you. In his mind he could almost hear what the response would have been.

“how are you feeling, Love?”


You were gazing at something on the far shelf in your room- Draco followed your line of sight and it landed on a medium sized Green dragon plushy. He pointed at it but you didn't saying, just kept staring at it thinking about.

Draco got up from his spot next to you and retrieved the stuffed dragon. “is this what you want?” you didn't respond but squeezed it tightly as soon as he placed it in your hands. You held it to your chest and hid your face in like a small child would when they were scard.

It felt comforting to hold it again. You haven't slept with since 3rd year but it was always special to you because Charlie gave it to you.

Charlie... He probably doesn't even know what's happening at home.

Draco looked down at the dragon and slightly smiled as he fiddled with the soft wign. “remember the voice I made up for him in 2nd year? I'd always annoy you with it but deep down I knew you thought it was funny”

You didn't respond only held the dragon tighter. Draco sighed and pulled you into his lap, and could almost feel you wrapping your arms around him and hiding your face in the neck like always... But you felt like a raggdoll. You kept your arms around the stuffed dragon but you mechanically rested the side of your head to his chest.

“please talk to me” Draco whispered. He even thought about making the dumb stuffed dragon talk like he did when you were younger. But he didn't want to treat you like a child.

“please...” His voice cracked, as he began to shake.It was starting to get hard to remember how your voice sounded, something that shook him to his core.

“Say something... I-I’ll give you anything you want just say something.”he said more desperately.

More since filled the room. Dead quiet.

“just talk... Please...let me hear your voice”

He sounded horribly pathetic, he knew that, and he didn’t care. If it meant you’d start talking again he’d fall on his knees in front of anyone. If it meant you came back he would do whatever was requested of him.

Fred and George came up from the basem*nt and stared sadly at their little sister and her boyfriend.“Draco, when was the last time you got any sleep?”George asked.

Draco didn't awnser and kept his eyes on you and only you. “Malfoy, why don't you get some sleep” Fred added.

The twins' suggestion was met with a immediate shake of Draco’s head.“I’m not leaving her.”

“You’re not leaving. You’ll be going to bed. I can get Y/N’s dinner ready and Mum will help her get changed. You need to sleep, Mate.” George noted, that your eyes slowly seemed to be coming into focus instead of gazing far away you finally looked as if you were noticing things in the room.

He wondered, for a moment, and he didn't make any indication he was gonna move. Fred let out a long breath.

“Go to bed.” George said as him and fred walked over to Draco and very gently, removed you from his lap.“we'll take care of her.”

George held your hand as You teetered between the realms of seeing and unseeing. Understanding and not knowing. Everything seemed to be muffled. You weren’t entirely sure who you were anymore.

“y/n, Darling?” Draco said softly. You looked at the ground not saying anything. Like I said you weren't entirely sure who you were anymore but you knew one thing...

Your name...

Draco was about to leave but you mindlessly followed. He stopped and you looked up at him. one of the first responses you’d been able to give in a long time. He felt a bit of hope in his chest.All you knew was it was his bed time.

You didn't speak but handed him the stuffed Dragon and shuffled back to the twins. He looked down at it button eyes as his chest tightened. George took your hand and tried to led you into the kitchen but you didn't move to far. Fred stayed behind with draco.

Fred patted his friend's shoulder.“See? She heard you. Go to bed. She’s getting better day by day.”Draco silently nodded and walked upstairs with the dragon still in his hands.

You followed Draco with your eyes, brow crinkling as things began to fit more together. There was a gentle tug on your hand and you looked to see George smiling at you a bit knowingly.“Let’s get you some tea, alright? I’ll fix dinner.”

“come on sis” Fred added following his siblings into the kitchen.

--------( ....... )--------

Draco silently walked up the stairs in to the room he always slept in when he stayed over.

“how she doing?” Ron's voice said making him look up. The Slytherin shrugged fiddling with the Dragon. Ron looked down at it as well felling his chest tighten. With Ron and you being twins that dragon was just as much part of his childhood as it was yours.

“haven't seen him in a while” Ron said referring the the toy. Draco shrugged. “she was staring at it this morning... I thought she'd want it... Then she gave to me when George told me to go to bed”

Ron sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets while leaning on the wall. “I'm sorry for being so awful to you”

Draco looked up at the red-head. He let out a depressing chuckel. “I would be nice to me either... And I deserve it” Draco tried to finish his trip to his(your) bed but Ron stopped him again.

“you've changed” That made Draco stop and turn back to Ron. “she saw the good in you... And I just held a grudge... I was so bloody pissed when you started dating her and I couldn't let myself see you weren't that bad”

Draco nodded and gave him a genuine smile. “no harm done Mate” he held out his hand to Ron. Your twin slightly smiled and shook your boyfriends hand. Ron awkwardly nodded. “I'll just let you get back to it” Ron walked passed Draco and down the stairs.

Ron walked into the kitchen to see his twin and the older set of twins. For the first time ever Ron felt sick to his stomach and had no appetite. He just silently sat down next to you as George set a cup of tea in front of the both of you.

The tea burned your tongue when you sipped on it and almost as quickly as you pulled a face George set a glass of ice water in front of you for you to sip on.Ron set the hot mug away from you a bit and whispered.

“let it cool down a bit”

You stared at the steam floating above the hot mug as your tongue burned. It felt like there was going to be a blister there.

Even though it was more pain.... At least You were starting to feel, again.

You looked at Ron with doe eyes but he wouldn't look back. He sadly looked at his mug and kept quiet. He was your Twin, why wasn't he looking at you...

After quite some time of not knowing or understanding much you were able to start fitting things together.

You were Y/n Weasley...

You'd been torched and Draco and your brothers were talking care of you.

You looked up and stared at George and Fred's backs as they stood at the counter. You thought about how Draco had, For a number of days, been asking you to talk to him and was becoming increasingly more hopeless and weary.

“is Draco gonna be okay?”


our voice was shot. Your vocal chords were still terrible from so much screaming but you’d spoken, and The boys had heard you clear as day.

Ron had spit out his tea in surprise and the George dropped a plate on the floor.

George turned to you. the boy you knew as quite goofy and rather co*cky, with tears in his eyes. There was a rather grateful smile on his face.Fred closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Ron on the other hand hugged you tightly and let out a sob of relief.

“He’ll be just fine.”George smiled.

It was only after feeding you, and extracting a few more words from you that Ron took you upstairs. Asking you to talk only seemed to make you more quiet, and the boys were quick to note that. Ron led you to your room, and gave you a grin,“Why don’t you get ready for bed, and I’ll send in Draco to help you with your bandages. Is that okay?”

He took a nod gladly. it was a large improvement from this morning, and closed your door so that you might have some privacy.

“Draco” Ron swung the door open and Draco looked at Ron with a bit of confusion.He set up from the bed and tossed the stuffed dragon he'd been staring at instead of sleeping to the side.

“what wrong? Everything okay?”

“she talking” Ron said softly.

He was up like a lightning bolt.“What?”

“She’s talking. Not a lot.. but a bit. Asked me if you were alright. Asked the twins how the joke shop was doing. Said thank you for dinner.”

“why didn't you say anything?” Draco said brushing past the red-head and towards your room. He stared at the closed door for a few long moments before finally knocking.

“come in” he heard softly. He let out a sigh of relief. Thanking Goddrick he could hear your angelic voice again.

He quickly grabbed the door knob to support his weight for just a bit as his knees tried to buckle underneath him from relief.

Tears were all ready falling...

Draco was a fearsome sight indeed, when he entered your room. His eyes had heavy purple bags underneath him. He looked thinner than you remembered. His blond hair was longer and not fixed to perfection like always.

His hands were shaking along with his shoulders and all together he looked so fragile right then... lot like a porcelain doll. Something that could be easily smashed to bits.

You were sitting on your bed, fingertips running over the textured of the sleeve of the sweater your mother made you. “Are you alright Dray?”

Slowly, he approached you... like he was scared you would dissapear. When he finally got to the edge of the bed where your legs dangled off, he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around your waist. His ear was pressed against your ribcage and one of your hands rested on his arm while the other played with his platinum Blond hair.

“Darling...” he cried.

He held you tighter as you hid your face in his hair. “are you okay Dray?”

Draco nodded and held you closer and allowed himself to break into sobs as relief flooded him.“I'm okay Love... We're okay”

Yes... They would be okay

#Hogwarts | shelbgrey (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.