- ---------- Cringing Retreat Although gifted with a dark lord's favor, some devotees are craven. Because these servants' experiences leave them so damaged, they flee confrontation lest their fates worsen. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Cringing Retreat + Encounter Triaaer: An enemy bloodies this creature. Effect (Free Action): This creature shifts up to its speed and gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of its next turn. Unsettling Deformity A dark lord's servant often bears gruesome marks denoting its allegiance. The dark lord might inflict these deformities as punishment, or the mutations might arise from the creature's proximity to evil. Devotees commonly suffer grotesque obesity, skeletal thinness, boils, humps, and withered limbs. TRAITS 0 Unsettling Deformity (fear)+ Aura 2 Enemies in the aura that can see this creature take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Will. DOOMDREAMER "I have only one dream. I'm standinB before the doors of a weat, dark temple. With a crack ofliBhtninB and a peal of thunder, the doors unlock and swina open, and beyond ... I see my destiny." - Lareth the Beautiful The Chained God languishes in an extradimensional prison, yet this does not prevent him from influencing events in the natural world. Most know the Chained God in his aspect as the Elder Elemental Eye or through one of the princes of Elemental Evil who act on his behalf, but there are a few who have earned Tharizdun's attention. These dark vassals identify themselves as doomdreamers because they believe the Chained God has touched their dreams. Doomdreamers come from humanoid ranks, with humans being the most common. This said, any creature that has risen high in an elemental cult might be touched by the dark god's madness. Doomdreamers can be of any role. Doomdreamers are uniformly evil, often insane, and prone to deviant behavior. They are cruel and sad*stic, delighting in their servants' infighting. Demons, elementals, or lesser foot soldiers enlisted to the cause of elemental evil attend these cultists. Doomdreamers do not often consort with lesser temples since it is in their best interest to keep the elemental cults ignorant about the god they serve. Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Religion checks. C HAP TER 4 I Vi llains & Monsters Attack Powers Doomdreamers call upon dark magic bestowed on them by their dark master. Their powers foster madness, filling targets with horrific thoughts, or poisoning the soul, making victims slaves to the Chained God's will. Chill Soul Doomdreamers can wither the flesh and rend the soul it holds. Soldiers sometimes adopt this power, as do any creatures that deal additional damage against foes granting combat advantage. STANDARD AcTIONS +Chill Soul (cold, necrotic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); level + 3 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 4 cold and necrotic damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn. Level11: 2d8 + 8 cold and necrotic damage. Level11: 3d8 + 12 cold and necrotic damage. Maddening Howl The Chained God does not tolerate failure. His servants know they face oblivion if they perish. This power unleashes the fear and madness of what comes after in one horrific shriek that sounds when the creature dies. TRIGGERED AcTIONS <:-.Maddening Howl (fear, psychic)+ Encounter Triaaer: This creature drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst); level+ 3 vs.Will Hit: 5 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Level11: 10 psychic damage. Level21: 20 psychic damage. Tharizdun's Touch By channeling their dark god's power through their hands, doomdreamers can bind their foes in eldritch chains, holding them fast just as the gods bound their master in the Abyss. STANDARD ACTIONS + Tharizdun's Touch (charm)+ Recharge[::;] ITIJ Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); level+ 3 vs. Will Hit: The target is restrained until it succeeds on an Arcana or a Religion check (moderate DC of this creature's level) as a move action. Miss: The target is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Utility Powers Doomdreamers use the following powers to commune with the Chained God-or so they think. Dark Communion Tharizdun reveals the future to his most dedicated servants, offering shadowy visions of what might unfold. When a creature uses this power, it recalls an omen in a dream and gains a second chance at achieving a success. TRIGGERED AcTIONS Dark Communion (psychic)+ Encounter Triaaer: This creature makes an attack roll or a saving throw and dislikes the result. Effect (No Action): This creature rerolls the attack roll or saving throw. If the attack roll hits or the saving throw succeeds, this creature gains 5 temporary hit points. If the attack roll misses or the saving throw fails, this creature is dazed until the end of its next turn. l eve/11: 10 temporary hit points. l eve/21: 15 temporary hit points. Insane Revelation Madness reigns in the doomdreamer's mind. When a creature with this power surrenders to insanity, it might achieve great results or terrible failure. MINOR ACTIONS Insane Revelation + At-Will Effect: Roll a d6 to determine this power's effect. [] This creature is blinded until the end of its next turn. GJ This creature is dazed until the end of its next turn. [2] This creature grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn. r;:;] This creature gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until it is hit by an attack. iZ] This creature gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until it misses with an attack. [] This creature can take an extra standard action this turn. Vile Command Doomdreamers that are strong of will can command the Chained God's demonic, elemental, and undead servants. If a doomdreamer lacks the necessary conviction to compel such creatures, Tharizdun punishes the fool for his weakness. Creatures with this power gain the leader subrole. MINOR ACTIONS ~Vile Command + Recharge IZJ [] Effect: Ranged 5 (one ally who can hear this creature). The target makes a basic attack as a free action against an enemy this creature chooses. If the attack hits, the target also gains 5 temporary hit points. If the attack misses, the target takes 10 damage. MAENAD Q < z "The Feywild is a realm of emotions run rampant. Even the L.l.l < trees, pebbles, and clouds have them. It can drive you mad." 2 -The Prince of Frost The Feywild is the world's bright reflection, and it does contain great beauty, but it is also home to terrible evil and ugliness. Hags grow fat on marrow sucked from the bones of those who cross their paths, sprites and pixies play lethal tricks on hapless fools who stumble into their traps, and fomorians rouse armies to enslave enemies in the world above. Evil in this plane preys on the most powerful emotions oflove and hate, lust and fear. It magnifies them until they consume a creature's every thought. Creatures afflicted by the plane's intensity become slaves to their emotions. They are erratic and strange, violent and aggressive. They don't care about the harm they inflict and the suffering they create. Known as maenads, they are a crazed host comprising numerous races and creatures united by their mad desire to feed their emotional cravings. Maenads are often brutes and skirmishers, though controllers sometimes find themselves subject to the madness too. A maenad resembles a normal creature of its kind, but is wild and unkempt. The creature's eyes roll about in its head and blood spatters its teeth and body. Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Nature checks and Perception checks. Attack Powers Maenads are aggressive in battle. They rip their opponents to pieces with their claws and teeth or even with just their bare hands. Most are afflicted by a wild frenzy that clouds their judgment until they lose all inhibition. Maenad Bloodlust The madness afflicting maenads most often manifests as an uncontrollable and ferocious bloodlust, an eagerness to rend and tear anyone they can reach. Skirmishers are most likely to use this power. TRIGGERED ACTIONS +Maenad Bloodlust+ At-Will (1/round) Triaaer: An enemy within a number of squares equal to this creature's speed becomes bloodied. Effect (Free Action): The maenad moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy and then makes the following attack. Attack: Melee 1 (triggering enemy); level + 3 vs. Fortitude Hit: 5 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). l eve/11: 10 damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Leve/21 : 15 damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save ends). CHAPTE R 4 I Villains & Monsters
Maenad Frenzy The maenads are best known for their unpredictable behavior. One moment, a maenad might be lucid and the next a wild, frothing berserker. Brutes do well by taking this power. TRAITs Maenad Frenzy At the start of this creature's turn, roll a d6. On a 1, it is dazed until the start of its next turn. On a 6, it gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls, and its melee attacks deal1 d6 extra damage. Rending Fury The most ancient tales about the maenads are those recounting the wild women who tore children limb from limb. Echoes from these old tales sound in the desperate screams of those who fall into the maenads' clutches. STANDARD ACTIONS tRending Fury+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); level + 3 vs. Reflex Hit: This creature grabs the target (escape DC moderate of this creature's level). Each time the target starts its turn grabbed by this creature, the target takes damage equal to 2 + one-half this creature's level. Utility Powers The Feywild's influence on certain creatures manifests as madness, delusion, and unchecked aggression. The following powers display the different forms this madness might take. Feywild Madness A creature with this power can shrug off some of the most debilitating conditions. TRAITS Feywild Madness When this creature starts its turn subject to a dazing, stunning, or dominating effect, it can make a saving throw to end one such effect, even if the effect does not normally allow a saving throw. Indulge the Pain Pain drives maenads to even more appalling acts of violence. The worse the injury, the greater the maenad's ferocity becomes. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Indulge the Pain+ At-Will Tri99er: This creature takes ongoing damage on its turn. Effect (Free Action): This creat ure makes a basic attack. CH A PTER 4 [ Villains & Monsters MOILIAN DEAD "I like destroyina pretty thinas." -Orcus Eons ago, there was a city wholly in the thrall of demonworshipers. Generations spent offering sacrifices to the Demon Lord of Undeath rewarded the people with the fiend 's dread attention. But time and new ideas shifted the people away from darkness and toward the light. The demon lord, sensing their betrayal, cursed them all. He trapped them in an eternal slumber and then flung the city into the deepest reaches of the Shadowfell, where darkness would consume the graceful spires and elegant bridges, dragging all into oblivion. Moil was the city's name, and since its fall it has lured many treasure seekers and villains to explore its crumbling remains. The citizens of Moil did not survive their eternal slumber, yet the sinister energies suffusing the dark lands have infused their corpses with terrible power. Now all sorts of undead roam the city, including zombies, ghouls, wraiths, and specters. The city's heritage combined with the intense unholy atmosphere gives these undead unusual and deadly capabilities. The Moilian dead theme is available only to undead creatures and benefits creatures of any role. Subtype: The creature gains the undead subtype if it doesn't have it already. Resistance: A creature that has the Moilian dead theme gains resist 5 cold and resist 5 necrotic if it doesn't have them already. The resistance increases to 10 in the paragon tier and 15 in the epic tier. Vulnerability: A creature that has the Moilian dead theme gains vulnerable 5 fire and vulnerable 5 radiant if it doesn't have them already. The vulnerability increases to 10 in the paragon tier and 15 in the epic tier. Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Stealth checks. Attack Powers Moil's slow descent into darkness grips the city in a killing frost. Undead emerging from the ruins wield cold as a weapon. Deathly Frost Moil's unwholesome coldness permeates the creatures stalking its ruins. Those confronting the Moilian dead must contend with the biting frost that rolls off these accursed creatures. TRAITS V Deathly Frost (cold, necrotic)+ Aura 2 Any living creature grants combat advantage while in the aura and takes 5 cold and necrotic damage if it ends its turn there. Leve/11: 10 cold and necrotic damage. Leve/21: 15 cold and necrotic damage.
Freezing Doom Within every Moilian dead is a spark of memory, an awareness of those choices that led to their miserable fate. Once released from their curse through final death, their freed souls erupt in a burst of killing cold. TRIGGERED ACTIONS + Freezing Doom (cold) + Encounter Triyaer: This creature drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): Close burst 1 (living creatures in the burst). The target takes 5 cold damage, and it is immobilized (save ends). Leve/11: 10 cold damage. Leve/21 : 20 cold damage. Gift of Orcus Some Moilian dead can transmit the curse that afflicted them so long ago to those who cut them down. TRIGGER£0 ACTIONS 8 +Gift of Orcus + Encounter Triaaer: An adjacent enemy drops this creature to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); level + 3 vs. Will Hit: The target falls unconscious (save ends). First Failed Savina Throw: The target takes a -4 pena lty to saving throws against this effect. Miss: The target is slowed (save ends). Utility Power Moilian dead sleep until roused by the presence of the living. Sense Life Orcus's curse on the Moilian people consigned them to an eternity of sleep. The only thing that rouses them from their deathly slumber is proximity to the living, which gives the darkness granting them unlife impetus to snuff out the offending presence. TRAITS Sense life This creature knows the locations of all living creatures within 5 squares of it, even if it can't see them. CHAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters ...J 0 ~
SLAVE TO THE NINE HELLS "Every devil wants to be your friend, and like a friend, he'll help you out of a jam, see. Need a few coins to aet by? The devil's aot a few to spare. Need a warm body to fill your bed? The devil knows the best ladies. Want status? Riches? Prop· erty? Power? The devil has the answers. He'll 9ive you all you want and more. And what does he want in exchanae? Just a little thina-a trifle, really. And it won't affect you in the sliahtest. All he wants is your soul." -Conner Smithson, Seeker ofVirtue Souls are the currency of the Nine Hells. The archdev· ils crave them, covet them, and will do anything to get them. The reason is simple: souls have power. Souls gave the Raven Queen the means to end Nerull's dark reign and claim his mantle. And before that, souls gave Nerull the power over life and death and the ability to seize the world in his skeletal grip. The archdevils would follow Asmodeus and his own rise to power by hoarding the souls necessary to complete their own apotheosis. A great many souls are lost to the Nine Hells through fiendish corruption, while others are stolen en route to Letherna (the Raven Queen's demesne) by diabolical harvesters. Others find themselves damned by enter· ing ill-advised agreements with tempters in life, only to find an eternity of torment for fleeting mortal wealth, pleasure, or some other distraction that won a devil its power. Those mortals who fall prey to these temptations are little more than slaves, for there is nothing they can do to escape the fate they earned. Archdevils are not above such deals, forging infernal pacts with warlocks and other mortals. Unlike most monster themes, the follow powers are available only to creatures that have sold their souls to a particular devil or who profess allegiance to a par· ticular archdevil. To cement the compact, the mortal creature accepts a special brand that denotes the fiend's ownership of their souls. When applying this theme to a creature, choose a brand from those described below. The creature gains the attack power and the utility power associated with that brand. Brand of Avernus Avernus is a war-torn and barren landscape, punctu· ated by pitted and crumbling fortresses used to defend the Nine Hells against the demonic invasions sparked by the Blood War. Bel, the archdevil who nominally rules, recruits primarily brutes and soldiers to aid in the defense of his demesne. Skill Modification: + 2 bonus to Intimidate checks. C H APTE R 4 I Villains & Monsters Accursed Flames Bel's slaves can call forth their master's power, which manifests as green flames that dance across their weapons. The flames defeat an enemy's fire resistance. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Accursed Flames (fire) + Recharge [::_;] [j] Triaaer: This creature hits an enemy with a weapon attack. Effect (No Action): The triggering attack ignores the target's fire resistance and deals 1d6 extra fire damage. Leve/11: 2d6 extra fire damage. Level 21: 3d6 extra fire damage. Avernus Tactics Bel has no illusions about his place in the Nine Hells' hierarchy. It is more important to him that his servants find success in battle for as long as they survive. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Avernus Tactics+ At-Will Triaaer: An adjacent enemy misses this creature with an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): This creature can shift 1 square, and it gains combat advantage against the triggering enemy until the end of its next turn. Brand of Dis Dispater passes on his constant paranoia to those in his service, alerting them to the myriad enemies and dangers lying in wait. Many creatures who bargain with this archdevil cloister themselves away, hiding in vast fortresses protected by insidious traps and obedient monsters. Dispater favors controllers and skirmishers. Initiative: + 2 bonus to initiative checks. Skill Modification: +2 bonus to Insight checks. Imprisoning Advance Slaves ofDispater know the value of a good escape route and thus use the power given to them to create a path to safety that leaves their enemies unable to give chase. MovE AcTIONS Imprisoning Advance + Recharge [::_;] [j] Effect: This creature gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of this turn and moves up to its speed. If an enemy makes an opportunity attack provoked by this movement, this creature can make the following attack against that enemy. Attack (Free Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); level+ 3 vs. Will Hit: The target is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
All-Around Vision A slave ofDispater grows extra eyes all over its body to watch for treachery. These eyes, while unsightly, let the creature counter flanks. TRAITS All-Around Vision Enemies can't gain combat advantage by flanking this creature. Brand of Minauros Mammon, ruler ofMinauros, is a cringing, wretched archdevil. He is an opportunist who knows how to flatter and connive to keep his throne. These traits infect those in his service and help them spread evil through unexpected ways. Lurkers and skirmishers are best served by gaining this brand. Skill Modification: +2 bonus to Bluff checks. Cringing Presence Slaves to Mammon appear weak and pathetic, exuding a harmless if disgusting presence that convinces enemies to pass them over. This same feeble appearance allows the slave to capitalize on an enemy's reluctance and strike while it foe's guard is down. TRAITS 0 Cringing Presence + Aura 1 Any enemy in the aura that has more hit points than this creature takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against this creature. Any enemy in the aura that has fewer hit points than this creature grants combat advantage to it. Mammon's Cunning Mammon survives by learning everything he can about his enemies and then using this information to defeat their expectations. A creature with this trait can leap against foes with surprising ferocity or slip away, unnoticed. T RAITS Mammon's Cunning This creature does not provoke opportunity attacks when charging. In addition, whenever this creature moves, its first square of movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Brand of Phlegethos Seductive Fierna inherited her throne from her father Belial, and she uses her power to feed her hedonistic impulses and to torment those under her power. Her father, however, is never far from her throne and manipulates her to further his interests. Soldiers, skirmishers, and lurkers often find service with this unholy pair. Skill Modification: +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks. Wicked Fantasy With a touch, a slave ofFierna can fill an enemy with unspeakable desire, flooding its senses with hideous fantasies that leave it gasping in pleasure and horror. STANDARD ACTIONS +Wicked Fantasy (charm, psychic) + Recharge [ZJ [I] Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); level + 3 vs. Will Hit: The target is dazed and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends both). Each Failed Savin9 Throw: This creature can slide the target 1 square. Level 11: 10 psychic damage. Level 21: 15 psychic damage. Pleasure from Pain Service to Fierna and Belial warps a creature's pleasure senses. These creatures can only know ecstasy by experiencing or delivering pain. TRAITS Pleasure from Pain Each time this creature takes damage, it gains a cumulative+ 1 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of its next turn, to a maximum bonus of +5. If this creature ends its turn without dealing damage on that turn, it is dazed until the end of its next turn. C HAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters Vl -I ....1 w :c u.J z z WJ :c t-- o fWJ > <:C -I ill
Brand of Stygia Levistus regained control over Stygia after Asmodeus banished Geryon, but the archdevil remained locked within an icy prison. Thus Levistus relies on proxies to seduce mortals and give him their souls. Soldiers and lurkers are the most common creatures to gain this brand. Icewalk: This creature gains icewalk. Skill Modification: + 2 bonus to Acrobatics checks. Stygian Prison Levistus's power grows with each soul sent to Stygia. Slaves can use this power to imprison enemies in ice and speed them to their graves. TRIGGERED AcTIONS Stygian Prison (cold)+ Encounter Tri99er: This creature hits an enemy with a melee attack. Effect (No Action): The target of the triggering attack is restrained (save ends). Whenever the target takes damage while restrained by this power, it takes 5 extra cold damage. Level 11: 1 0 extra cold damage. Level 21:15 extra cold damage. C HAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters Icy Panoply When faced with losing a valuable servant, Levistus armors his slave in Stygian ice to give it the edge it needs to triumph over its enemies. MINOR AcTIONS Icy Panoply (cold) + Encounter Requirement: This creature must be bloodied. Effect: This creature gains resist 20 to all damage. Each time this creature takes damage from an attack, reduce the resistance by 5. When the resistance drops to 0, the effect ends. While this creature has resistance granted by this power, its melee attacks deal extra cold damage equal to 2 + one-half its level. Brand of Malbolge Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus and ruler of the Sixth Hell, is ambitious if she's anything. She uses her familial connection to Asmodeus to shield her from reprisals while engaging in endless plotting to expand her power throughout the Nine Hells and beyond. Glasya recruits any creature she can. Skill Modification: + 2 bonus to Thievery checks. Stolen Power Some legends claim Glasya gained her power by killing another, more ancient archdevil who ruled Malbolge. This power lends credence to these tales, since her servants are quick to take that which does not belong to them. MINOR AcTioNs ::Y Stolen Power + Recharge [ZJ [DJ Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); level+ 3 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is weakened until the end of this creature's next turn. Effect: This creature's attacks deal extra damage equal to 2 +onehalf its level until the target is no longer weakened. Brimstone Escape Glasya's gifts are not without a price. She cares nothing for her servants or their lives; she wants only their souls. So even though this power allows her slave to escape its enemies, it also afflicts the creature with terrible pain. MovE AcTIONS Brimstone Escape (teleportation) + Encounter Effect: This creature teleports up to 10 squares. It is then dazed until the end of its next turn.
Brand of Maladomini As punishment for plotting to usurp his power, Asmodeus transformed Baalzebul into a horrid slug-like creature, a form suited to the pestilential domain he rules. This curse afflicts those who come into the Lord of Flies' service, slowly remaking them into their master's image. Baalzebul favors brutes and soldiers. Skill Modification: +2 bonus to Stealth checks. Corrosive Grab A slimy filth seeps from the creature's pores. While harmless to the creature that creates it, the slime burns through any other creature that touches it. STANDARD ACTIONS + Corrosive Grab (acid) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); level + 3 vs. Reflex Hit: This creature grabs the target (escape DC moderate of this creature's level). Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing acid damage equal to 1 +one-half this creature's level. Foul Excretions Baalzebul's slaves can increase the slime's flow until its runs water from their bodies. As they slither across the battlefield, they leave behind slippery trails. MovE AcTIONS Foul Excretions (acid) + Encounter Effect: This creature moves up to its speed. Each square it exits becomes slimy until the end of the encounter. Whenever a creature enters a slimy square, it must make an Acrobatics check against a moderate DC of this creature's level or fall prone and take acid damage equal to 1 +one-half this creature's level. Brand of Cania Mephistopheles is Asmodeus's chief rival and most dangerous foe. Fawning when he needs to be, he plots to usurp the god's throne and take his power for himself. Mephistopheles discovered how to use souls to create hellfire, a process he has thus far guarded. Skill Modification: + 2 bonus to Arcana checks. Secret of Hellfire Mephistopheles allows his slaves to wield hellfire since using it destroys the user almost as quickly as it does the user's enemies. STANDARD ACTIONS <~Secret of Hellfire (aura, fire, psychic)+ Encounter Effect: This creature activates an aura 1 that lasts until the end of its next turn. Any enemy that enters the aura or ends its turn there takes fire and psychic damage equal to 5 + this creature's level (a creature can take this damage only once per turn). Sustain Minor: The aura persists until the end of this creature's next turn, and each creature in the aura, including this creature, takes fire damage equal to 1 +one-half this creature's level. Rising Anger Although Mephistopheles covets Asmodeus's power, it is his own wrath that proves his undoing time and again. This same unpredictable anger infects his servants. TRAITS Rising Anger Whenever this creature misses with a melee or a ranged attack, it gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a -1 penalty to all defenses. The bonus and penalty are cumulative. This creature loses them when it hits with an attack. Brand of Nessus Asmodeus rules the Nine Hells from Nessus, the Ninth Hell. Invested with stolen divine power from the god remembered as He Who Was and armed with a fragment of evil chipped from the shard in the Abyss's bowels, Asmodeus is one of the most powerful gods in the planes. He does not often seduce mortals, knowing they will come to him voluntarily. Leaders, soldiers, and controllers are common slaves to Asmodeus. Skill Modification: +2 bonus to Bluff checks. Dire Command Those invested with Asmodeus's power gain a measure of the dark god's authority and can command other creatures to do as they wish. STANDARD AcnoNs )f Dire Command +At-Will Effect: Ranged 5 (one ally). The target makes a basic attack as a free action against a creature of this creature's choice, with a +1 power bonus to the attack roll. Clever Switch Enjoying favored status among other slaves to the Nine Hells, those enslaved to Asmodeus employ devious cunning to ensure that they survive battles with their enemies. TRIGGERED ACTIONS ::Y Clever Switch + Recharge fZl !Til Trigger: An enemy hits this creature with a melee or a ranged attack. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): This creature switches the target of the attack from itself to a creature adjacent to it, other than the trig· gering enemy. C H A PT E R 4 I Villains & Monsters VI ....J -i LU :r: LU z z L!.i I i0 il..l.l > <( ....J 111
NEW MONSTERS ''The most fearsome monster I ever saw had two arms, two less, and one head, and on its head was a face with two eyes, two ears, one nose, and one mouth, and above this face wew a mop of hair. Everywhere else, the creature's flesh was mostly pink and bare. Mostly. Makes my slime crawl thinkins about it." -Juiblex As the Abyss spawns fiends aplenty to bring strife to creatures near and far, agents of the dark plot and connive to advance their masters' aims. The following monsters have spawned from evil's embrace to wrap existence in a tapestry of pain, humiliation, death, and torment. ANGEL, FALLEN Deicide is no small thing. A god's death causes dominions to tremble, the world to groan, and the demons below to howl in delight. Tremors spread through Creation as powerful beings scramble to claim portfolios the god released at the moment of its extinction. But despite the god's life force being snuffed out, its creatures are not freed from service. Known as fallen angels, these immortal champions of a slain god are sheathed in grief and remain driven to do the work for which they were chosen. Lore Religion DC 20: Most angels are independent agents. They wing through the Astral Sea running myriad errands and safeguarding the expanse they call home. The gods claim some angels as servants, soldiers, and emissaries, positions few would refuse. When an angel joins a particular god's retinue, it slowly transforms as a trickle of its master's physical and psychological characteristics seeps into its essence. Over time, the seepage drowns out the angel's memory of its life before joining its master. Thus, the deity's imprint consumes an ever-greater portion of the angel the longer the retainer serves. Religion DC 25: When a god dies, its surviving angels are stripped of varying portions of their identities. The longest-serving angels morph into brittle travesties of their master. These fallen angels manage to cling to the fading threads of divine power and use it to serve the god posthumously. But their grief and rage taint their efforts, making them some of the most unpredictable and unstable dark forces in the Astral Sea. CHAPTER 4 [ Villains & Monsters Encounters Fallen angels take a vengeance oath against their god's slayer and its supporters and minions. These sundered immortals have no compunction against joining forces with foul creatures to accomplish their goals and can be found with abominations, elementals, demons, and undead. Charismatic fallen angels could enlist other independent angels to their cause and might even confuse themselves with the god they once served. Fallen Angel of Winter Khala, the goddess of winter, sought to imprison the world in an endlessly frigid state. The other deities rallied against her and throttled her bid to become mistress of the gods. They eliminated her, destroyed her realm, and scattered her servants, earning themselves the venomous regard of the fallen angels of winter. Crackling with hate, this icy creature ambushes, frames, and hunts Khala's killers and their servants. Fallen Angel of Winter Level13 Soldier Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 800 HP 128; Bloodied 64 AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will23 Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Immune fear; Resist 10 cold, 10 radiant TRAITS 0 Khala's Hate + Aura 3 Initiative+ 12 Perception +7 While the angel is not bloodied, enemies in the aura have vulnerable 5 cold. Angelic Presence While the angel is not bloodied, attack rolls against it take a -1 penalty. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Ice Spear (cold, weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+ 18 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 7 cold damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the angel's next turn. <~ Khala's Vengeance (cold)+ Encounter Requirement: The angel must be bloodied. Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst);+ 16 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 4 cold damage, and the target is immobilized and takes ongoing 10 cold damage (save ends both). Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both). Str 11 (+11) Dex 19 (+10) Con 16 (+9) lnt 10 (+6) Wis 13 (+7) Cha 15 (+8) Alignment evil languages Supernal Equipment scale armor, spear Fallen Angel of Winter in Combat A fallen angel of winter is as merciless as a blizzard. It descends unseen from the cover of a wicked storm to wrap foes in cold and pierce their bodies with winter's bite.
Fallen Angel of Sorrow s exarch of the god now known as He Who Was, the ever-ambitious Asmodeus stole a sliver of the evil shard buried in the Abyss, and it swiftly corrupted him. Asmodeus then murdered his master and donned his mantle as ruler ofBaator. Shocked, the other gods sealed the usurper away in his new dominion, which has since become known as the Nine Hells. But the grief of the fallen angels of sorrow could not be so easily banished. Bereft of its good and peaceful god, a fallen angel of sorrow acts more like its nemesis than its former master. Devoted to Asmodeus's annihilation, this creature retains enough of its master's heart to weep as it rends flesh from bone. Fallen Angel of Sorrow Level 17 Artillery Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 1,600 HP 122; Bloodied 61 AC 31, Fortitude 28, Reflex 29, Will 31 Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Immune fear; Resist 10 radiant TRAITS 0 Sorrow+ Aura 1 Initiative + 13 Perception + 14 Any enemy in the aura that misses the angel with an attack is dazed until the end of the enemy's next turn. Angelic Presence While the angel is not bloodied, attack rolls against it take a -2 penalty. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Flail (weapon)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 2d1 0 + 7 damage, and the angel can push the target up to 2 squares. @ longbow (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +24 vs. AC Hit: 3d1 0 + 8 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). This attack deals 2d6 extra damage against a slowed target. ..:,~Tears from Heaven (fear, weapon)+ Encounter Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +22 vs. Will Hit: 4d1 0 + 8 damage, and the target cannot attack (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Str 18 (+12) Dex 21 (+13) Con14(+10) lnt12(+9) Wis 22 (+14) Cha 24(+15) Alignment unaligned languages Supernal Equipment flail, longbow, 30 arrows Fallen Angel of Sorrow in Combat A fallen angel of sorrow appears as a broken, mournful heap. It wails its despair, a tactic that disarms many foes. As tears streak its visage, it swiftly raises its bow and pierces its arrows and grief into enemy hearts. Brazen melee attackers find themselves dazed and heartsick in the fallen angel's presence, and mortal foes often find themselves weeping alongside their assailant as they fight to the death. Fallen Angel of Death Nerull's angels carried plagues and death to the natural world. It was their task to harvest souls and bring them z w ....J ....J <t: u.. to their master. After the Raven Queen defeated the god _; and stole his power, the fallen angels of death fled to w the Shadowfell's darkest corners, and over the centuries u z the constant exposure to necrotic energies perverted their life force. Fallen Angel of Death Levell1 Skirmisher large immortal humanoid (angel, undead) XP 3,200 HP 197; Bloodied 98 AC 35, Fortitude 35, Reflex 33, Will 32 Speed 8, fly 12 (hover) Initiative+ 18 Perception + 19 Darkvision Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 15 necrotic, 15 radiant TRAITS 0 Nerull's Demand+ Aura 5 Any enemy that makes a death saving throw while in the aura takes a -5 penalty to the roll. Angelic Presence While the angel is not bloodied, attack rolls against it take a -2 penalty. life Sense The angel knows the location of all living creatures within 5 squares of it, and the angel's attacks against living enemies within 5 squares of it ignore concealment. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Scythe (weapon)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +26 vs. AC Hit: 3d12 + 9 damage. Effect: The angel can shift up to 2 squares. Death's Hourglass (necrotic) + Recharge when the effect ends Effect: Ranged 10 (one creature). The target takes ongoing 30 necrotic damage until the end of the encounter. The target or an ally adjacent to it can end this effect by succeeding on a standard action DC 35 Religion check or two standard action DC 26 Religion checks. The effect automatically ends when the angel drops below 1 hit point. MrNoR AcnoNs Death's Decree (necrotic)+ At-Will (1/round) Effect: Ranged 5 (one creature subject to death's houralass). The target takes 15 necrotic damage, and the angel can shift 1 square closer to the target. Skills Insight + 19 Str 26 (+18) Con 21 (+15) Alignment evil Equipment scythe Dex 23 (+16) lnt 18 (+14) Wis 19 (+14) Cha 21 (+15) languages Supernal Fallen Angel of Death in Combat Cut loose from its master, a fallen angel of death soars across the night sky, searching for souls to feed a hunger that cannot be slaked. A fallen angel of death points its bony finger at an enemy and then flips over its hourglass. As each grain drops to the lower chamber, the fallen angel's foe feels its life force ebbing away. Then the angel gets to work using its scythe to reap its harvest of souls. CHAPTE R 4 I Villains & Monsters <t:
DEMON, HORDELING The Abyss, abetted by impressively creative demon lords, is an ever-churning womb that spits out demons in countless shapes and sizes. Each fiend is a manifestation of the darkness welling up from the evil shard lodged in the realm's heart. Hordelings are the least of demonkind. These tiny, cunning fiends emerge from the poisoned landscape with a passionate hatred for all things. No two hordelings are physically alike. The Abyss arms these demons with unpredictable numbers of claws, fangs, stingers, horns, and spurs to enable them to contribute to the circle of birth, pain, and death that keeps the Abyss alive. Lore Arcana DC 27: Demons do not reproduce; they destroy. Their inability to procreate in no way diminishes their numbers, though, because the Abyss spawns new demons from the used up bits of dead ones. From somewhere deep inside the realm's layers, pure evil impregnates raw elemental substance, causing new demons to rise up and carry on with the business of chaos and evil. CHAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters In theory, a hordeling might eventually evolve into another kind of demon. But these creatures are typically lobbed across battlefields, crushed underfoot, consumed, or slaughtered willy-nilly in demon games before they get much of a chance to experience living. Encounters Hordelings spring up throughout the Abyss, and other demons pass their time tormenting these teeny fiends or crunching them between their teeth. In places of great carnage, such as after Blood War battles, these demons are more numerous, since plenty of raw material is available to replenish their numbers. Hordeling Mob Level11 Elite Brute Gargantuan elemental humanoid (demon, swarm) XP 1,200 HP 276; Bloodied 138 AC 23, Fortitude 24, Reflex 23, Will 21 Initiative +9 Perception +7 Speed 5 Darkvision Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10 to dose and area attacks Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS V Swarm Attack + Aur:!L]_ Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 10 damage. Swarm The mob can occupy the same space as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. The mob cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Gnashing Host + hAt-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature and each creature in the mob's space); + 16 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 13 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the mob's next turn. MovE AcTIONS Flowing Mob + Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The mob shifts up to its speed. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Breakaway Hordeling + At-Will (1/round) TriBBer: An enemy hits the mob. Effect (No Action): Up to four hordeling breakaways (roll a d4 to determine the exact number) appear in squares within 2 squares of the mob. They can appear in occupied squares and act on the mob's turn. Hordeling breakaways created in this fashion are worth no experience points. Scattering Swarm + Encounter TriBBer: A dose or an area attack hits the mob. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack deals only half damage to the mob. Str 21 (+10) Dex 18 (+9) Con 18 (+9) lnt 3 (+1) ~ wr;ls-(+7)= Cha 5 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil languages -
Hordeling Breakaway Level11 Minion Brute Tiny elemental humanoid (demon) XP 1 SO HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 23, Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 21 Speed 5 STANDARD ACTIONS CD Gnashing Teeth+ At-Will Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Hit: 11 damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Drawn to Pain +At-Will Initiative + 1 0 Perception +7 Darkvision Tri99er: An enemy within 3 squares of the hordeling is bloodied by an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The hordeling can shift up to 3 squares to a square in the triggering enemy's space. Str 13 {+6) Dex 21 {+10) Wis15 (+7) Con 18 (+9) lnt 3 (+1) Cha 5 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages - Hordeling Mobs in Combat An individual hordeling is little more than a nuisance. Gather them up by the hundreds, however, and they present a serious threat. A hordeling mob is a frenzied swarm of maws, stingers, horns, and claws that tear enemies into bloody ribbons. Being bathed in foes' blood further excites the fiends, and eager hordelings occasionally pop out of the mob to lap up the liquid before attacking from a new position. DEVIL, WRATH The secret to corrupting a mortal lies in allowing the creature to author his or her own downfall. Present temptations, lure the fool onto corruption's path, and then creep silently in the victim's wake as his or her decisions lead to the Nine Hells. Similar to the succubi and imps tasked with gathering mortal souls for their masters, a wrath devil roams the natural world, preying on people who indulge in erratic behavior and allow their passions to rule them. Lore Arcana DC 29: Despite their hunger for mortal souls, devils rarely enter the natural world, some scholars insist. They say devils cannot visit the natural world without a mortal's invitation. Other sages mock such assertions, saying fear is driving their research. These scholars believe devils are everywhere, hidden as they watch and wait for the best time to entice a mortal into finding succor in darkness. What truth is known is that while devils are glad to accept any soul, they crave those belonging to powerful individuals. The brighter a soul shines, the more energy the Hells can squeeze from it. According to legend, a devil exists for every mortal failing. Indeed, devils seem bred to target specific weaknesses, striking at their quarries where they are most vulnerable. A succubus preys on lust-consumed creatures, while an imp targets ambition-ruled mortals. Meanwhile, a wrath devil exploits the anger burning in mortal hearts. It goads its targets to give into hatred and impulsively act on their passions. Encounters When a wrath devil is near, self-control frays and tempers flare. It has a knack for escalating violence and driving mortals mad with uncontrollable anger. A wrath devil uses its victims to work evil and thus become consumed by it. While in the Nine Hells, a wrath devil uses bearded devils as bodyguards. While in the natural world, succubi and duergar are its common companions. C H APTER 4 I Villains & Monsters
Wrath Devil Level13 Controller Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 800 HP 128; Bloodied 64 AC 27, Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, Will 27 Speed 6 Resist 10 fire STANDARD AcTIONS CD Claws +At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+ 18 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 12 damage. :>r Compel Anger (charm, psychic) +At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +16 vs. Will Initiative+ 10 Perception +14 Darkvision Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target takes a free action to charge or make a basic attack against a creature the devil chooses. If this attack hits, the target is dominated (save ends). Aftereffect: Until the end of the encounter, the target treats its allies as enemies only for the purpose of making opportunity attacks. The target must make opportunity attacks if provoked. MovE ACTIONS ' Driven by Hate (charm)+ At-Will Effect: Ranged 5 (one creature dominated by the devil). The devil slides the target up to 3 squares. TRICCEREO ACTIONS +Confounding Escape (fire, teleportation) + At-Will Triaaer: An enemy adjacent to the devil hits it with a melee attack. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); + 16 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 7 fire damage. Effect: The devil teleports itself or the target up to 6 squares. Skills B.luff + 17, Insight+ 14 Str 11 (+6) Dex 19 (+10) Con 16 (+9) lnt 16 (+9) Wis 16 (+9) Cha 23 (+12) Alignment evil languages Supernal Wrath Devil in Combat A wrath devil stays out of melee combat if it can, preferring to incite violence from a distance, acting as though it has nothing to do with the brutal scene unfolding. The devil has its nose in a book or drinks its ale as it works to turn foes against each other. When mortal blood is flowing freely and unconscious bodies litter the scene, the devious creature stands up gracefully and hefts its quarry over its shoulder. A wicked, lopsided grin stretches across the wrath devil's face as it begins its return trip to its master. CHAPTER 4 \ Villains & Monsters DRAGONSPAWN, NHAGRUUL Nhagruul, the deformed wizard who sought to use the Book ofVile Darkness to conquer and enslave the world, left behind many dark legacies. The Nhagruul dragonspawn are among the most fearsome remnants of his schemes. The psychotic mage grew the dragonspawn in his laboratory from evil dragon eggs his apprentices stole. The wizard used his own demonic essence to corrupt the embryos. When the eggs hatched, twisted, dragon-like monstrosities magically connected to Nhagruul greeted their maker, and they instinctively bent their necks to the greater wicked power. At the height ofNhagruul's influence, the dragonspawn were formidable and cunning beasts that could magically outmaneuver even the most accomplished magi. When the Book of Vile Darkness consumed Nhagruul, the dragonspawn weakened and grew desperate. Eventually, the monsters turned on one another as they vied for territory and treasure. It's unknown how many of the creatures survived the rivalry. In the years since, the survivors have withdrawn to their secluded lairs, and their memories ofNhagruul and the glory days have faded away with their magic. Lore Arcana or History DC 29: Dragonspawn are the foul progeny of the demon-wizard Nhagruul, who incubated their eggs in festering pools of demonic slime. Dozens of these wyrmlings were born linked to the mage's evil essence, but Nhagruul destroyed the most heinously deformed ones. Few Nhagruul dragonspawn have survived since the dark wizard's destruction (or disappearance, as some attest). Although it's hard to mistake them for true dragons, Nhagruul dragonspawn possess certain characteristics in common with their draconic ancestors, including leathery wings and breath weapons. No two Nhagruul dragonspawn look exactly alike. Their draconic features blend hideously with the more monstrous traits of the vile wizard who spawned them. For this reason, they are often referred to in historical accounts as "vile dragons," though this name hardly captures the terror their appearances instill in wouldbe prey. Encounters The hardiest of the Nhagruul dragonspawn live on civilization's fringes, making their lairs in deep caves, forests, and old ruins. A Nhagruul dragonspawn attacks any dragon it encounters. After laying claim to a dragon's lair, a dragonspawn devours all but one of its victim's eggs. The dragonspawn corrupts the remaining egg with its
saliva, bathing the shell in sputum several times a day until it hatches into a new Nhagruul dragonspawn. Nhagruul Dragonspawn Level 14 Solo Artillery Large natural magical beast (reptile) XP 5,000 HP 564; Bloodied 282 AC 28, Fortitude 28, Reflex 24, Will 26 Speed 6, fly 8 Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 TRAITS Action Recovery Initiative+ 13 Perception + 16 Darkvision Wheneve r the dragons pawn ends its turn, any dazing, stunning, or dominating effect on it ends. Instinctive Ferocity On an initiative of 10 + the dragonspawn's initiative check, the dragonspawn can use bite or fiery spittle as a free action. If the dragonspawn cannot use a free action to make this attack due to a dominating or a stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the dragonspawn making the attack. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Bite (poison)+ .At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (o ne creature);+ 19 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 10 damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). t Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The dragons pawn uses bite against two different creatures. ::Y Fiery Spittle (fire)+ At-Will Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature);+ 19 vs. Refl ex Hit: 2d8 + 11 fire damage. ~ Breath Weapon (fire, poison) + Recharge [8] [j] Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); + 17 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d1 0 + 11 fire and poison damage. Miss: Half damage. ·~ Frightful Roar (fear) + Encounter Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst);+ 17 vs. Will Hit: The target is dazed until the end of the dragonspawn's next turn. Aftereffect: The target chooses to either take a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn or take a free action to move its speed away from the dragons pawn. Miss: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the dragonspawn's next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS t Wing Claw+ At·Will Triaaer: An enemy within 2 squares of the dragonspawn hits the dragonspawn with a melee attack. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 2 (triggering enemy);+ 19 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 8 damage. Effect: The dragon spawn flies up to 4 squares. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. <~ Bloodied Breath + Encounter Triaaer: The dragonspawn is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): Breath weapon recharges, and the dragonspawn uses it. Skills Intimidate + 15, Stealth + 18 Str24 (+14) Dex22 (+13) Wis18(+11) Con 21 (+12) lnt 11 (+7) Cha 17 (+10) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Draconic CHAPTER 4 I Vi llains & Mon st ers ..J :J :J "' lJ <C :I z z 3 <C 0.. Vl z 0 lJ <C "' Cl
Nhagruul Dragonspawn in Combat A hungry Nhagruul dragonspawn is not above gobbling up a cow or horse, but its hunt is unsatisfying if it doesn't elicit the screams of humanoid victims. A Nhagruul dragonspawn circles over a town, raining fire on buildings and people so it can luxuriate in the smell of fear and death. When its prey starts running, preferably while on fire, the monster swoops down to rip the creature apart with its poisonous teeth. A Nhagruul dragonspawn isn't particularly smart, but it is cunning. When confronted in its lair, the beast stalks intruders in a manner similar to a great cat, creeping through the shadows and springing when interlopers are least prepared. When cornered, a dragonspawn lashes out to rake its opponent with its clawed wings. CHAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters FILTH HAG Hags have strong ties to natural forces; yet being uniformly wicked, they lack nature's impartiality. A filth hag exemplifies the depth of corruption to which these wretched creatures gaily wallow. Lore Arcana DC 31: A filth hag is never encountered without its offspring, a mountainous being shaped from a mixture of the hag's filth, garbage, mud, and leaves. The hag binds to its creation the souls of mortal males it's seduced, thus animating the son's foul body. The souls remain trapped until the animate is destroyed or the filth hag releases them, a gift these savage fey rarely grant. Encounters A filth hag and its son haunt abandoned villages deep in Feywild or untamed wildernesses in the natural world. Ghouls and other undead are drawn to the promise of meat and thus can be found haunting the fringes of a filth hag's lair. Filth Hag Level16 Skirmisher (Leader) Medium fey humanoid (shapechanger) XP 1,400 HP 155; Bloodied 77 AC 30, Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 26 Speed 8 (earth walk) TRAITS 0 Stench + Aura 2 Enemies in the aura grant combat advantage. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Filthy Claws (poison) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Initiative + 15 Perception +9 Low-light vision Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). Effect: The hag shifts up to 4 squares. :r Goad Son + Recharge !;:;) [iJ Effect: Ranged 5 (one filth hag son). The target uses slam twice. MINOR AcTIONS Devour Offspring (healing) + At-Will (1/round) Effect: Ranged 5 (one filth hag son). The target takes 20 damage, and the hag regains 15 hit points. Change Shape (polymorph) +At-Will Effect: The hag alters its physical form to appear as a crone or young female of any Medium humanoid race until it uses change shape again or until it drops below 1 hit point. To assume a specific individual's form, the hag must have seen that individual. Other creatures who succeed on a DC 36 Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise. Mother's Demand + Encounter Effect: Ranged 5 (one filth hag son). The target is dazed (save ends), and the hag gains 1 action point. Skills Bluff+16, Nature +14, Stealth +18 Str24(+15) Dex20(+13) Con 19 (+12) lnt 15 (+10) Wis 13 (+9) Cha 17 (+11) Alignment evil languages Common, Elven
Filth Hag Son Level 16 Brute Large fey animate (construct) XP 1,400 HP 191; Bloodied 95 AC 28, Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 26 Speed 8 Immune disease, fear, marked, poison STANDARD AcTIONS CD Slam + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 3d12 + 9 damage. t Son's Ire+ At-Will Initiative + 12 Perception + 1 1 Low-light vision Requirement: A filth hag within 20 squares of the son must be bloodied. Effect: The son uses slam against two different creatures, with a -2 penalty to each attack roll. TRIGGERED ACTIONS t Mute Fury + Recharge [:;:] [l] Tri99er: An enemy within 5 squares of the son hits a filth hag with an attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The son charges the triggering enemy. Str25(+15) Dex18(+12) Wis16(+1 1) Con 21 (+13) lnt 3 (+4) Cha 3 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages - Filth Hag and Son in Combat A filth hag wears a maiden's form. The creature dances in the mud while its lumbering "son" smashes through other intruders. The hag toys with its enemies, inviting gullible males into its curvaceous embrace. If anyone draws too near, the stench of the hag's corruption reveals its true nature, as does the sharpness of the monster's wicked claws. TSOCHAR The tsochar are F~alm body thieves that have invaded the natural world. They are tasked with establishing a foothold for their dread master, the NineTongued Worm. Lore Dungeoneering DC 25: The tsochar are not so much a race as they are an extension of the elder evil known as Mak Thuum Ngatha, the Nine-Tongued Worm and Devourer ofWorlds. Each tsochar is a tendril liberated from the great thrashing worm. It is sent into the natural world to prepare the way for the elder evil. When it escapes the Far Realm, a tsochar's first task is to secure a viable body. The creature slithers into a victim's flesh and embeds itself in the target's brain. The parasite quickly detaches a victim's will, or cognitive awareness, from its mind, thus gaining total control over its new meat vessel. Encounters The Nine-Tongued Worm drives its agents to amass and hoard magical power. The parasites, in their host vessels, search the world for relics, potent rituals, and anything else that might help them erect a stable passageway to the Far Realm that Mak Thuum Ngatha can traverse to enter the natural world. Tsochar are smart enough to ally with monsters that can serve or aid them in this purpose. Tsochar Parasite Every tsochar infestation includes several tsochar that have yet to find suitable hosts. Tsochar Parasite Level9 Minion Controller Small aberrant magical beast XP 100 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 23, Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 20 Speed 4, climb 4 TRAITS Hideous Grasp Initiative +9 Perception +7 Darkvision While the tsochar has a creature grabbed, the tsochar gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses. STANDARD AcTIONS CD Tentacles (poison)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 8 poison damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC 1 7). t Burrow into Host (poison)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one humanoid creature grabbed by the tsochar); + 12 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is dominated (save ends}. While the target is dominated, the tsochar is removed from play, though it can still issue commands to the target. If the target is dominated at the end of the encounter, the tsochar takes full control of the target until the target drops below 1 hit point. A Remove Affliction ritual or similar magic can force a tsochar out of its host. Aftereffect: The tsochar appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target. Skills Stealth + 14 Str 13 (+5} Con 18 (+8} Dex 20 (+9} lnt 15 (+6} Wis 16 (+7} Cha 13 (+5) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10 Tsochar Parasite in Combat A parasite understands its fragility and wastes no time seeking a host. The parasite latches onto any available humanoid and then burrows into its tender flesh to take control. Once it has enslaved its host, the tsochar and its host effectively become one until the host dies or the parasite is expelled. CHAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters Ct! <( :r.: u 0 V'l i-
Tsochar Wearer of Flesh After a tsochar finds a body, it sets out to find a superior one. It stalks a healthy and powerful individual whose form is more likely than its current vessel to withstand the dark work ahead. The following statistics represent the tsochar parasite and its enslaved host. Tsochar Wearer of Flesh Level 9 Soldier Medium aberrant humanoid XP 400 HP 95; Bloodied 47 AC 25, Fortitude 23, Reflex 20, Will 21 Speed 5 Immune dazed TRAITS 0 Psychic Scream (psychic) + Aura 1 Initiative +6 Perception + 12 Darkvision Enemies in the aura take 5 psychic damage whenever the tsochar takes psychic damage. Parasitic Mind At the start of its turn, the tsochar makes saving throws to end any stunning or dominating effect on it. STANDARD ACTIONS CD longsword (weapon)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the tsochar's next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS +Guarding Strike + At-Will Triaaer: An enemy marked by the tsochar shifts or make:; an attack that does not include the tsochar as a target. Effect (Opportunity Action): The tsochar uses lonasword against the triggering enemy. Infestation Unveiled + Encounter Triaaer: The tsochar drops below 1 hit point from an attack that does not deal psychic damage. Effect (No Action): A tsochar parasite appears in the tsochar's space or the nearest unoccupied square. Skills Bluff +9 Str 20 (+9) Con 15 (+6) Dex 10 (+4) lnt 15 (+6) Wis 16 {+7) Cha 11 (+4) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 1 0 Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword Tsochar Wearer of Flesh in Combat A wearer of flesh keeps its true nature concealed and hides among other humanoids until the infestation has spread. CHAPT E R 4 I Villains & Monsters Tsochar Worm Servant A few tsochar have a superb connection to the NineTongued Worm and act as its overseers in the natural world. Thus, a worm servant rules an infestation's tsochar in the name of the elder evil. It guides their spread through a community and coordinates their search for items to further their master's plans. The statistics presented here represent the tsochar parasite and its enslaved host. Tsochar Worm Servant Level 9 Artillery Medium aberrant humanoid XP 400 HP 72; Bloodied 36 AC 23 , Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 23 Speed 5 Immune dazed TRAITS 0 Psychic Scream (psychic)+ Aura 1 Initiative +5 Perception + 12 Darkvision Enemies in the aura take 5 psychic damage whenever the tsochar takes psychic damage. Parasitic Mind At the start of its turn, the tsochar makes saving throws to end any stunning or dominating effect on it. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Scourge (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 14 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage. @ Unhinging Visions (psychic)+ At-Will Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature);+ 14 vs. Will Hit: 1 d1 0 + 9 psychic damage, the tsochar can slide the target up to 2 squares, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the tsochar's next turn. ~ Madness Storm (psychic) + Encounter Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +12 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 11 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Infestation Unveiled + Encounter Triaaer: The tsochar drops below 1 hit point from an attack that does not deal psychic damage. Effect (No Action): A tsochar parasite appears in the tsochar's space or the nearest unoccupied square. Skills Bluff+ 14, Religion + 12 Str 10 (+4) Dex 13 {+5) Con 12 (+5) lnt 17 {+7) Wis 16 (+7) Cha 20 (+9) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 10 Equipment chainmail, scourge Tsochar Worm Servant in Combat A worm servant is the most valuable member of a tsochar infestation. Other tsochar fight to protect it. The worm servant doesn't stand idly by though. It stays busy psychically bludgeoning enemy minds, filling them with Far Realm visions, while lesser tsochar physically strike against opponents.
Noble Tsochar A noble tsochar is a conduit ofMak Thuum Ngatha's magical might and dominates a battle to protect the colony. While a worm servant orchestrates the great worm's plans off the battlefield, a noble takes charge over any fighting that ensues. The statistics presented below represent the tsochar parasite and its warped, enslaved host. Noble Tsochar Level9 Elite Controller Medium aberrant humanoid XP 800 HP 184; Bloodied 92 AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will24 Speed 5 Immune dazed Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS 0 Psychic Scream (psychic) + Aura 1 Initiative +6 Perception + 13 Darkvision Enemies in the aura take 5 psychic damage whenever the tsochar takes psychic damage. Parasitic Mind At the start of its turn, the tsochar makes saving throws to end any stunning or dominating effect on it. STANDARD AcTIONS (!) Tentacle (poison) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (o ne creature);+ 14 vs. AC Hit: 2d1 0 + 6 poison damage. :r Violet Lightning (implement, lightning, psychic)+ At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); + 12 vs. Refl ex Hit: 2d8 + 8 lightning and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn. :r Double Attack+ At-Will Effect: The tsochar uses violet liahtnina twice. ~:- Insanity Vortex (charm, implement, psychic) + Recharge ~ [DJ Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); + 12 vs. Will Hit: 3d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the target makes a melee basic attack as a free-.a ction against a creature the tsochar chooses. Miss: Half damage. MINOR ACTIONS Pierce the Barrier (psychic, zone) + Encounter Effect: Area burst 2 within 10. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the tsochar's next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone takes 5 psychic damage. As the zone ends, four tsochar parasites appear in unoccupied squares in the zone. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Infestation Unveiled + Encounter Triaaer: The tsochar drops below 1 hit point from an attack that does not deal psychic damage. Effect (No Action): A tsochar parasite appears in the tsochar's space or the nearest unoccupied square. Skills Arcana +12, Dungeoneering +13, Religion +12 Str8 (+3) Dex14(+6) Wis18 (+8) Con 12 (+5) lnt 17 (+7) Cha 22 (+10) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 10 Equipment robes, orb Noble Tsochar in Combat A noble tsochar does not fear exposure and throws its mental energy into the battle at hand. As the elder evil's vessel, the tsochar channels Far Realm power to fuel its potent magic attacks. If the situation becomes dire, the noble doesn't hesitate to tear a hole in reality and call Far Realm reinforcements to the scene. CHAPTER 4 I V illains & Mo nst e rs " < :r u 0 Vl 1-
VILE ORGANIZATIONS "Destroy the book?! You can't destroy the book, you silly twit. Not that it can't be destroyed. It can.]ust ... not by you." -The Keeper of Scrolls The moral decay coinciding with vile darkness's spread is not limited to the individual. Sometimes, the wicked find ways to overcome their divisive natures and work together to achieve incredibly dark objectives. The following organizations offer a sampling of groups sworn to evil. Chosen of the Sun "The final battle between good and evil is at hand." Civilization dies. Virtue gutters like a candle in the wind. The last days are at hand, and the righteous can no longer tolerate the wickedness driving the world to destruction's brink. Chosen of the Sun adherents are self-appointed champions of good. They roam the countryside, arrogant in their certitude, judging and executing anyone they deem corrupt. Although they do combat genuine evil, they condemn anyone who does not share their beliefs as an enemy worthy of death. Lore Religion (hard DC): The Chosen of the Sun rose in Nerath's waning days. Believing the gnoll and demon horde to be divine justice meted against a people who had allowed wickedness to prosper, the Chosen sped the empire's decline in a murderous crusade to purge evil, real or imagined, from their homeland. The Chosen have since splintered into numerous sects, all more vicious and bloodthirsty than their forebears. Goals and Methods The Chosen believe they are soldiers in an apocalyptic war between good and evil, and that through corruption and decadence, evil has gained the upper hand. In these desperate days, righteous certainty is the only thing the Chosen have left. These zealots root out the wicked and use burning, torture, and mutilation to make examples of them. They travel the countryside, roaming from community to community in search of evil's thralls. The Chosen's disciples know evil is a cunning adversary that can hide in the most virtuous communities. For this reason, the Chosen are quick to put anyone to the question. Pain is useful for clarifying a person's thoughts and revealing clues about corruptive actions the evildoer would eventually take. I Villains & Monsters Organization A few disorganized bands are all that's left of the vast armies that appeared following Nerath's fall. Scattered and shabby, they are little better than brigands and murderers. High Inquisitors have absolute authority in a band and act as judge, jury, and executioner for anyone who crosses the Chosen. Under these demagogues are the soldiers, a motley mix of murderers, bandits, and mercenaries. They pay lip service to the Chosen's agenda and use the "noble" mission to justify their brutal behavior. A few people do join the Chosen because they believe they work in defense of good. Most, however, are just as evil as the enemies they claim to fight. Game Link: Judge and Jury Rumors about a hidden demon cult draw the Chosen of the Sun to the village of Red Tree, or any other sleepy community the characters are passing through. After settling into the community, the Chosen begin holding sham trials to ferret out cultists. Perhaps an actual cult is rooted in the community, but the Chosen seem more interested in torturing villagers than dealing with an infestation. Dark Brotherhood "The only path to surviving the darkness is to embrace it." The Dark Brotherhood is a mysterious cabal founded on the belief that the duality of good and evil is an incorrect explanation for a cosmic force the chaotic evil god Tharizdun introduced into Creation. Disciples reject the idea of"good" and instead embraces the dark ness that is slowly consuming all that is. Lore History (hard DC): The Dark Brotherhood emerged ages ago as a secret society built atop the teachings of its founder Heinrich. A philosopher and magician of no little talent, Heinrich understood evil's emergence in Creation was not something intrinsic to reality; rather, it was an intrusion, an alien force the actions of one misguided deity brought into being. Knowing this, Heinrich postulated evil has no counter. What people call "good" is actually Creation's resistance to an invading force, much like how a healthy ~ody reacts to disease. This disease is not something time or effort can cure. It is lethal. It is a ravenous cancer that will eventually devour reality. Rather than fight the disease's progress, Heinrich believed that one must embrace evil to survive the process. When evil blankets reality, it will turn against itself, and then the Dark Brotherhood will be in the best position to destroy its rivals and inherit all that remains.
Goals and Methods The best way to understand the Dark Brotherhood and its goals is to consider the writings of its founder, the magician and philosopher Heinrich: "I will not deny we instinctively find certain actions distasteful, yet our abhorrence does not make these actions evil. Rather, it si9nals some instinctive quality, some unconscious reco9nition of wron9ness. The wron9ness is not a byproduct of idealized 9ood or evil. Instead, it is our reco9nition that a certain a9ency is at work in the cosmos. "Notions about 9ood and evil are mortal definitions for what is the absence and presence of this a9ency. We define actions as 9ood or evil based on how a particular choice impacts our moral sensibilities. Such thou9hts are useful for buildinB stable and peaceful societies, if that end is to be desired. But to apply these concepts to ,for lack of a better term, vile darkness is inaccurate. "You see, evil doesn't have an antithesis. Good doesn't exist. Creation is composed of the material Tharizdun's darkness has yet to touch and what it has touched. Now loosed, nothinB can stop the taint. Fi9htin9 it is pointless. The end is inevitable. Rather than taxinB ourselves in a misBuided struBBle, is it not better to use this power, to embrace its stren9th to ensure our survival in the time when evil has conquered absolutely?" The Dark Brotherhood has no interest in turning mortals to darkness; evil will triumph in the end. Dark Brothers and Sisters foster darkness already within others, nudging creatures closer to embracing the evil already inside them. To this end, Dark Brothers and Sisters conceal themselves behind inoffensive masks. They assume influential positions as advisors, priests, seers, and sages to guide creatures to the truth. Organization The Dark Brotherhood is a far-reaching organization. Its agents are installed in communities across the known world. All Dark Brothers and Sisters are fully versed in the order's ancient teachings and have extensive resources available to use to protect themselves and influence others. Each agent has several underlings, but these lackeys usually have no idea who they're really serving. Most members are human, but the order doesn't discriminate against other races. All disciples acknowledge the Keeper of Scrolls as their leader. The keeper safeguards the organization's lore, tracks its members, and moves resources to where they are most needed. A talented and famous wizard named Melphor currently holds this position. When not conducting the organization's business, he oversees the largest library in all the lands, which is located in the southern city of Armistice. Game Link: Puppet Master The Cardamom Massacre was the final straw for the people ofWestermont. Years ofhigh tariffs and oppressive taxes, combined with brutal reprisals from the ducal palace, drove citizens to arm themselves. As adventurers enter the city, mobs storm the castle in the city's center, shouting for the duch*ess's head. Many believe the fault lies with the duch*ess's advisor, a mage named Azaal. However, some people have begun to notice that most of these accusations are coming from one source, a seemingly harmless priest who just happens to be a secret agent of the Dark Brotherhood. Disciples of Nhagruul "The answers to all questions can be found in the Book." The Book ofVile Darkness gathers legends like a miser hoards gold. Many arcane scholars believe Vecna authored the tome, and its contents reinforce this theory. However, this hasn't stopped others from adopting the book as their own, which Nhagruul's disciples have done. Lore History (hard DC): Nhagruul was a deranged wizard whose reign of terror marked a particularly dark chapter in the world's history. A master of magic, he allowed his profane research to twist his body and shatter his sanity. According to legend, as Nhagruul neared his life's end, he underwent an excruciating ritual to preserve his wicked knowledge for eternity. Using the wizard's blood, flesh, and bones, his servants constructed the Book ofVile Darkness. Into it they poured Nhagruul's every diseased thought as well as every terrible truth he had discovered. His followers used the vile manuscript to seed evil and madness throughout the world. They would leave bound creatures in the open tome's presence. Its essence would billow from the pages to encase victims, drive them mad, warp their bodies, and regurgitate them as creatures of darkness before retreating back into the book. In reaction, the Knights of the New Sun, a holy band of paladins, swore to destroy the disciples and their blasphemous book. They made great inroads against the dark servants, but Nhagruul's disciples divided the tome into three parts and sent the sections in opposite directions to safeguard the lore until a time when the Knights were no more. Goals and Methods Since the sundering, the Disciples ofNhagruul have watched and waited for the right time to reassemble the book as they further the work of their namesake. C H AP T ER 4 I Vi llains & Monsters Vl z 0 1- ~ N z < v 0:: 0 L.I.J ...J > 1:
In that time, lesser creatures have replaced the Knights' old guard. Now only a f*ckless band remains. With no enemies to halt them, the disciples are darting from the shadows to scour the land for the Thirds so they can reassemble the Book of Vile Darkness and bring about the apocalypse their founder intended. Organization The disciples would be a disorganized and chaotic mess if it weren't for their new leader, the mind flayer Shathrax. After its efforts to secure the legendary Tear ofioun failed, Shathrax retreated to the Underdark where it happened upon a cell of degenerate disciples. The mind flayer quickly defeated them and, from the consciousness it devoured, learned about the book. It has since gathered the remaining disciples and enslaved them to its cause, asserting that it alone can reassemble the book. Shathrax commands the disciples from a flying fortress. Workshops that churn out evil magic items and vile spells are ensconced in the citadel's myriad rooms and corridors. The labyrinthine passages contain a veritable menagerie of horrors, ranging from undead to aberrant monsters the Far Realm's influence has twisted. Game Link: Last Knight The Disciples ofNhagruul have secured two of the book's thirds and are on their way to recover the final segment. Shathrax believes the blood of a holy paladin is needed to mend the sundering's damage to the Book of Vile Darkness, so it has sent other minions to find, bind, and bring the last honorable Knight of the New Sun to the citadel, where the mind flayer intends to complete the ritual and set in motion Nhagruul's vile plan. Opposed to the world's end, adventurers could chase after the third fragment, go after Shathrax, or try to free the Knight. CHAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters Kargatane "What have we to fear from death when immortality is at hand?" What was originally the secret police for a now lost domain of dread, the Kargatane has emerged as one of the most powerful and dangerous organizations in the Shadowfell. Led by Lady Kazandra, Kargatane agents foment discord, murder, steal, and sabotage in accordance with their mistress's inscrutable goals. No one knows where the Kargatane is going to strike next or what it truly seeks, but everyone fears it. Lore History (hard DC): Darkon, a domain of dread, was once a powerful fief in the Shadowfell. The lich lord Azalin ruled Darkon, making it a place of inflexible order and crushing despair. The Kargatane, Azalin's network of spies and assassins, was his greatest weapon. Under Lady Kazandra's command, its agents kept the people obedient to the dark lord's will. Azalin's reign came to an abrupt end, however, and when he vanished, Darkon went with hi-:rr1.' In its place rose the terrifying Necropolis and its new master, Death. Kazandra proved agile. Anticipating the changing circ*mstances and preferring to not be absorbed into the new regime, Kazandra summoned all of the Kargatane's agents to her, and together they withdrew into another land. Although the lich lord no longer props her up, Lady Kazandra's Kargatane remains one of the Shadowfell's most dangerous destabilizing forces. Goals and Methods Eternal life is promised to any creature invited to join the Kargatane. Few members understand the immortality offered is to become a vampire. While immortality is their hope, serving Lady Kazandra is their reality. Agents are allotted no independence, no freedom, and no personal will. Kazandra regards members as tools; as such, they are to be used until they are no longer useful. The Kargatane engages in all manner of sordid endeavors. Grave robbing, espionage, theft, and murder are but a few of its activities. All missions relate to Kazandra's larger goal of proving herself worthy to receive a domain of dread of her own. Organization The great deception Kazandra perpetuates is that the immortality her servants crave will come from her directly. She is a vampire and a powerful one at that. She could transform her servants into vampires, but she withholds that gift to prevent rivals from rising up against her.
Volunteers are not invited to join the Kargatane. In fact, the organization eliminates petitioners who seek membership. Instead, it drafts potential candidates and does not accept refusals. Members are living humanoids. The agency prefers inducting humans and half-elves because they can infiltrate most communities. If members need to identify themselves to other agents, they show their ampoules of crimson fluid attached to cords they wear around their necks. The fluid might look like blood, but it is a virulent toxin agents are required to drink if captured. Game Link: Murder Most Foul A friendly acquaintance of the adventurers' winds up dead. Investigation suggests a villainous agency murdered the victim. Even though the Kargatane did kill the acquaintance, it's not the organization being fingered. Lady Kazandra's agency framed a rival organization. The Kargatane intends to draw characters into a conflict with its foes so its agents can quickly and quietly assassinate the organization's leadership. Servants of Xopos "Weep not, little friend. You have been Biven a weat honor. Not everyone can9ive birth to a9od." Whenever civilization falters, some believe the end is at hand. They search for signs in the upheaval, omens in the events that gnaw at stability and order. From deranged watchers who scour the heavens for the wandering star that is the World Born Dead to insane cultists devoted to the Elder Elemental Eye, the world has no shortage of alarming believers and beliefs. In each case, an urgency to hasten the end is present. The Servants ofXopos is the latest in a long line of mortal organi~ons tasked with preparing the world for its end. Lore Arcana (hard DC): Had the wizard Tyben not dared to summon a slaad, the Servants ofXopos would not exist. But Tyben's recklessness and unquenchable thirst for power led him to explore the essence of chaos. The act of calling Xopos the slaad into the natural world was not what doomed him, though. Tyben's fate wasn't assured until the wizard breached the magic circle, freeing the slaad. Xopos then implanted an embryo in Tyben's brain before rampaging about until it destroyed itself. A mortal exposed to a slaad's embryo does not live long. The invader devours the mortal's mind and eventually burrows out of the victim's skull, growing rapidly until it becomes an adult slaad. Aware ofhis peril, Tyben used magic to bind the embryo and retard its growth. Although it increased in size, it did so slowly, buying the wizard time to search for a way to escape death. The parasite's presence eventually drove Tyben mad, and in his lunacy, the wizard became convinced the slaads were gods. Goals and Methods Tyben has carried the slaad embryo for so long it has fused with his brain matter. Where the human ends and the slaad begins is impossible to determine. Tyben believes it is his task to deliver the slaads into the world so they can return existence to the way it was before the primordials and gods imposed order on the chaos. Exposing mortals to chaos phage (Monster Manual3, page 179) is the quickest and easiest way to bring about the change Tyben desires. His Servants kidnap viable hosts and insert embryos in their heads. Sometimes, a Servant releases a host if doing so is apt to cause greater damage than holding onto a victim until the slaad tadpole breaks free. When Servants have infected a dozen or so hosts in one locale, they move on to trouble another community. Organization It takes a special breed of madness to join the Servants ofXopos. Members are outsiders, exiles, and misanthropes. They regard their work as a sacred calling and tell victims that to be chosen as a vessel is an honor. Servants openly discuss their allegiances when asked. However, they are lucid enough not to volunteer information to people they suspect might try to stop them. Since most Servants carry the chaos phage themselves, their time in the world is brief. Until the tadpoles kill them, they gather into small cells and coordinate their efforts to breed as widely as possible through a community. Usually one member per cell is not a carrier, and it falls to him or her to move the operation to another town when enough embryos have been placed to ensure a lively brood. Game Link: Surrogates vVhile traveling through the countryside, adventurers come upon a town that the Servants ofXopos have infiltrated. Slaad embryos have been implanted in several prominent citizens, and slaads are hatching from heads at a rapid rate. CHAPTER 4 I Villains & Monsters Vl z 0 ~ N z <( v " 0 LJ.j ..J >
CHAPTER 5 "Have you the couraae to take what is offered? That is the question I most often pose to the adventurers whose fortunes I have read. Too often, there is bluster and bravado. Rarely do I find substance in those I meet. They claim to have strenath, claim to have power, yet I have spied the truth in the cards and in the swirlin& mist darkenin& my crystal ball. Oh yes, I intriaue them with cryptic warninas and tantalizin& hints, yet I know that once they set foot on the road to the Master's castle, their future is certain, their doom at hand. Death's shadow chills the road, as his scythe plucks at life's strinas. "Why risk death? The darker the shadow, the areater the rewards. All the easy treasures have been plucked from the land, leavin& only the unexplored darkness to offer up won· ders to those with the couraae to claim them. This is why the heroes leave their homes. Oh, there may be some noble cause, some princess in need of rescuin3, but it is always the promise of riches and wealth that keeps the darkness fat on so-called adventurers." -Madame Eva DEATH IS hardly the worst fate one can find fighting evil. Disease and curses, terrible afflictions that kill the body and mind, loss ofloved ones, failure and a world overrun by wickedness are all things a would-be hero might face. Vile darkness has many weapons with which it might defeat the good, and not all are obvious. These perils take the form of deadly monsters and environments, but they can also come from the very rewards adventurers hope to gain. The magic items and alternative rewards presented in this chapter are all touched in some way by darkness. Some items are cursed and prevent heroes from reaching their full potential in battle. Other items include a selection of divine boons granted by the dark gods. In each case, the items and rewards offer great power at a risk to those who use them. You might be tempted to seed many of these items in your campaign. Do so with caution. Magic items and alternative rewards have a direct effect on a player character's ability to contribute to the game, and some items can wreak havoc on the play expe· rience. Reserve the items for players who do well with roleplaying challenges and would enjoy playing through the danger that owning such items brings. CHAPTER 5 I Dark Rewards
CURSED ITEMS "I sell only the finest merchandise. My potions ofhealin[J are to die for-a recipe handed down to me by my mother, 3ods bless her soul." -Alluvius Ruskin ofSigil Magic item creation can have unexpected results when the creator tries to craft something beyond his or her abilities. Most cursed items were created by accident, though some wicked makers create them intentionally, to laugh as their wielders march toward doom. A cursed item usually appears benign. The wielder knows all of the item's powers, but the properties remain hidden until triggered. Once a character triggers the property, the character cannot get rid of the item by any means short of a Disenchant Magic Item ritual, a Remove Affliction ritual, or similar magic. Berserk Weapon The berserk weapon's wielder finds self-control fading and vicious anger swelling in his or her heart. Berserk Weapon Level 4+ Uncommon The cruel weapon feeds your hate, aoadina you to areater and areater acts of violence. Lvl4 +1 840 gp Lvl19 +4 Lvl9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 Lvl14 +3 21 ,000gp Lvl29 +6 105,000 gp 525,000 gp 2,625,000 gp Weapon: Axes, hammers, heavy blades Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical:+ 1 d12 damage per plus Property While you are bloodied, you treat all creatures as enemies, and you must make opportunity attacks when provoked. t Attack Power + Daily (Free Action) Triaaer: You are bloodied by an attack. Effect: Make a melee basic attack using this weapon against a random creature adjacent to you . Boots of Many Steps These mismatched boots promise unmatched mobility with only the slightest risk. Yet the longer one wears them, the greater the chance for the curse to reveal itself. Too many jumps can send the wearer into a dark and sinister place, a realm of endless corridors and passages. CHAPTER 5 I Dark Rewards Boots of Many Steps Level 17 Uncommon This mismatched pair ofboots help you cross distances in an instant. Feet Slot 65,000 gp Property Whenever you roll a natural1 on an attack roll or a saving throw, you are removed from play (save ends). When the effect ends, you reappear in the square you last occupied or in the unoccupied square nearest it. Utility Power (Teleportation) + Encounter (Move Action) Effect: You teleport up to a number of squares equal to your speed. Cloak of Poison While the infamous cloak of poison can be deadly to its wearer, the cloak provides unexpected benefits to those with the courage to wear it. Cloak of Poison Level S+ Uncommon The heavy cloak feels oily and has a faint c~al smell. Lvl 5 + 1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl1 0 +2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp Neck Slot Enhancement Bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Property Whenever you roll a natural1 on an attack roll or a saving throw, you take ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). You can end this effect by removing the cloak as a minor action. Leve/15 or 20: Ongoing 15 poison damage. Level 25 or 30: Ongoing 20 poison damage, Attack Power (Poison)+ Encounter (Immediate Reaction) Triaaer: An adjacent enemy hits you with a melee attack. Effect: The triggering enemy takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Leve/15 or 20: Ongoing 10 poison damage. Leve/25 or 30: Ongoing 15 poison damage. Cursed Weapon A cursed weapon commits its wielder to fighting one enemy at a time. Cursed Weapon Levell+ Uncommon This weapon feels comfortable in your hands. Lvl1 +1 360 gp Lvl16 +4 Lvl 6 +2 1,800 gp Lvl21 +5 Lvl 11 +3 9,000 gp Lvl 26 +6 Weapon: Any 45,000 gp 225,000 gp 1,125,000gp Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1 d8 per plus Property The first time during an encounter you hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon, you take a -2 penalty to the attack rolls of attack powers that do not include the enemy as a target. This penalty lasts until the end of the encounter or until the enemy drops to 0 hit points.
Potion of Delusion Created by a twisted mind or perhaps from a ritual gone awry, the potion of delusion makes the drinker believe he or she has been healed when in truth the entire effect is an illusion. When characters gain this potion, it always appears to be a potion of healing. Potion of Delusion level 5 Uncommon You feel a surBe of enerBY but are surprised to find none of your wounds have healed. Consumable: Potion 50 gp Utility Power + Consumable (Minor Action) Effect: You drink the potion and lose a healing surge. You gain 10 temporary hit points, and you shift 1 square toward the nearest enemy. Divine Boons The gods sometimes take notice of mortals who perform great deeds on their behalf Should the god be moved by this act, he or she might grant a boon to the mortal. Any god can bestow a boon, not just those gods the adventurer favors. An evil god, for example, might bestow a boon onto a good hero as a temptation or a reward for some inadvertent service. Regardless of the reason (and sometimes the reasons are unknown), gaining a divine boon is often a life-changing event. As with all alternative rewards, divine boons typically fade after about five levels (see Dunaeon Master's Guide 2). Asmodeus's Dread Authority When a character gains Asmodeus's dread authority, a sinister sigil appears in the palm of his or her left hand. The symbol shines when the character calls on the boon's power. Asmodeus's Dread Authority level ~ Rare Asmodeus invests you with the authority he uses to rule the Nine Hells. Lvl 3 Lvl13 ~ 680gp 17,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Lvl23 425,000 gp :Y Attack Power (Charm)+ Encounter (Minor Action) Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); the boon's level + 5 vs. Will Hit: The target is subject to your dread authority (save ends). Until this effect ends, you can slide the target 1 square as a free action at the start of each of its turns. Leve/13: Slide the target up to 2 squares. Level 23: Slide the target up to 3 squares. :Y Attack Power (Fire)+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: Ranged 10 (the creature subject to your dread authority). The target chooses either to fall prone or to take 5 fire damage. Level13: 10 fire damage. Level 23: 15 fire damage. Bane's Battle Acumen A character who gains Bane's battle acumen assumes a sinister appearance. His or her eyes grow black and through them the character can see opportunities on the battlefield. Bane's Battle Acumen level ~ Uncommon The Iron General is the consummate warrior and those with his Javor Bain a measure of his tactical Benius. Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 23 425,000 gp Lvl 13 17,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property Whenever you roll a natural 19 or 20 for an attack roll using a weapon, one ally within 5 squares of you can shift 1 square as a free action. Leve/13: The ally shifts up to 2 squares. Level 23: One ally within 5 squares of you can shift up to 2 squares as a free action, or two allies within 5 squares of you can each shift 1 square as a free action. Utility Power + Daily (Free Action) Triaaer: You roll initiative. Effect: You can slide each ally within 5 squares of you 1 square. Leve/13: Slide up to 2 squares. Level 23: Slide up to 3 squares. Gruumsh's Bloodthirsty Wrath Gruumsh desires only to spread strife and sow destruction in the mortal world. On gaining this boon, the character tears out his or her own left eye. The organ returns when the boon fades away. Gruumsh's Bloodthirsty Wrath level 3+ Rare Destruction and carnaBe are the only thinBs able to quell Gruumsh's appetite for chaos. Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 8 3,400 gp Lvl 13 17,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property Lvl18 Lvl 23 Lvl28 85,000 gp 425,000 gp 2,125,000 gp You gain temporary hit points equal to this boon's level the first time you drop an enemy to 0 hit points during an encounter. Attack Power (Healing) + Daily (Free Action) Requirement: You must be bloodied. Triaaer: You hit an enemy with a melee attack. Effect: Afte r the attack, you make a melee basic attack against a random creature adjacent to you . If this attack hits, you can spend a healing surge. C H APTER 5 j Dark Rewards Vl ~ l.l.l 1- 0 l.l.l Vl c:: :l u
Lolth's Fickle Favor Since her fall, Lolth's sanity has frayed and splintered until she has become a petty, scheming monster. She cares nothing for her worshipers, and when she grants her boon it is only to escalate the conflict troubling her servants. Character who gain this boon hear faint voices and sees things watching them from the shadows. lolth's Fickle Favor level 3 + Rare The Demon Queen of Spiders is a fickle aoddess, as likely to offer a aift as she is to bestow a curse. Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 23 42S,OOO gp Lvl 13 17,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property You gain resistS poison and a+ 1 item bonus to Stealth checks. Level13: Resist 10 poison and +3 item bonus to Stealth checks. Level 23: Resist 15 poison and +S item bonus to Stealth checks. Utility Power (Illusion, Teleportation) +Encounter (Immediate Reaction) Tri99er: An enemy bloodies you with an attack. Effect: Roll a d8 . On an odd number, you are dazed until the end of your next turn. On an even number, you teleport up to a number of squares equal to the die roll and become invisible until the end of your next turn. Tharizdun's Madness Spiral Tharizdun is silent. No prayer reaches his ears. No commandment escapes his prison. His priests are left to learn about their deity through the scant fragments written by raving lunatics or from the princes of elemental evil who claim to represent the Chained God's interests. From time to time, a devoted servant might experience an unsettling dream, a window into the madness afflicting the dark god, and use this madness as a weapon. ifharizdun's Madness Spiral Level12 Rare Althouah the Chained God is silent, the aod's will is revealed in the mad actions of its followers. Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property 13 ,000 gp You gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws against charm effects, fear effects, and ongoing psychic damage. Utility Power + Encounter (No Action) Tri99er: You make an attack roll and dislike the result. Effect: You re roll the attack roll and use the second result. If the second di e roll is less than 11 , you are stunned until the end of your next turn after resolving the attack. C H AP TER 5 J Dark Rewards Tiamat's Insatiable Greed On rare occasion, Tiamat finds it to her advantage to bestow a boon on a particularly valuable follower, provided she gets a greater return on her investment. Characters with this boon grow multicolored scales across their backs, scales that spread to their arms and legs. Tiamat's Insatiable Greed Level 5+ Rare Tiamat commands her followers to let no sliaht ao unpunished and to take what they want. Lvl S 1,000 gp Lvl10 S,OOO gp Lvi1S 2S,OOO gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property Lvl20 Lvi2S Lvl30 125,000 gp 62S,OOO gp 3,125,000 gp You gain a + 1 item bonus to damage rolls against any creature that has damaged you since the end of your last turn. Level10: +2 item bonus. Levei1S: +3 item bonus. Level 20: +4 item bonus. Level 2S: +5 item bonus. Level 30: +6 item bonus. Utility Power + Daily (Minor Action) Effect: One ally you can see loses a use of a daily magic item power, and you regain the use of an expended daily magic item power for a magic item you possess of the same level or lower. Torog's Inescapable Suffering One can hear the faint groans from the King that Crawls in the deep reaches of the Underdark. Torog endures the humiliation of his prison and the pain from his broken body and expects his followers to be as he is, agonized and enslaved to his demands. Those who receive his boon feel their bones grind in their flesh. iforog's Inescapable Suffering~ Level4+ Rare Toroa instructs his servants to embrace their aaony.for only throuah pain can one unite the mortal with the divine. Lvl4 840 gp Lvl 24 525,000 gp Lvl14 21 ,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property While you are bloodied, you gain a + 1 item bonus to attack rolls. Utility Power+ Daily (Free Action) Tri99er: You hit an enemy with a melee attack. Effect: Each creature adjacent to you is immobilized and takes ongoing S poison damage (save ends both). Level14: Ongoing 10 damage. Level 24: Ongoing 1S damage.
Vecna's Dark Secret Vecna guards the darkest secrets of the cosmos, hoarding ancient lore and mystical power to keep it from rivals. He does this not out of fear, but to amass the tools he needs to ascend even higher. Characters who earn the god's favor become pale, and shadows ring their eyes. ~ecna's Dark Secret Level 9 + Uncommon Vecna rewards your service with forbidden knowledae and a taste of what undeath has to offer. Lvl 9 4,200 gp Lvl 29 2,625,000 gp Lvl19 105,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge checks. Leve/19: +4 item bonus. Level 29: +6 item bonus. Utility Power + Daily (Minor Action) Effect: Choose one ally within 5 squares of you. Until the end of the encounter, that ally gains vulnerable 5 necrotic, you gain resist 10 necrotic, and you deal1d6 extra necrotic damage on attacks that deal necrotic damage. Leve/19: Resist 15 necrotic and 2d6 extra necrotic damage, and vulnerable 10 necrotic for your ally. Level 29: Resist 20 necrotic and 3d6 extra necrotic damage, and vulnerable 15 necrotic for your ally. Zehir's Shadow Cloak As lord of darkness, serpents, and assassins, Zehir attracts the worst sorts. Killing is not just a means to an end; killing is a prayer, a ritualistic offering to the dark god. Characters who gain this boon acquire a black serpent tattoo on a place easily concealed by clothing such as the back, arm, or leg. Zehir's Shadow Cloak Level 8 + Rare :- · Each life ended at your hands honors the Lord of Darkness. Kill often and without hesitation, and the aod's Javor will be yours. Lvl 8 3,400 gp Lvl 28 2,125,000 gp Lvl18 85,000 gp Alternative Reward: Divine Boon Property While you have total concealment from a creature, you are insubstantia l to that creature's attacks. Attack Power (Poison) + Encounter (No Action) Triaaer: You hit a creature with a melee or a ranged attack. Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). This damage ignores any resistance. Leve/18: Ongoing 10 poison damage. Level 28: Ongoing 15 poison damage. SINISTER ITEMS I.JJ "Sinister is the hand that wields the item, not the item itself." r- -Kas " I.JJ The following items are not cursed, but their properties and powers are certainly dark. Bracers of Suffering Shadar-kai fight a constant battle against the ennui defining their existence. Some go so far as to mutilate themselves so they can at least feel something. The bracers of sufferinEJ, called aEJal-ralan, helps focus the wearer's mind. Once fitted over the arm, the spines inside bite deep into the flesh. of Suffering Level 9 Uncommon The sharp spikes adornina each bracer bite into your flesh when you fit them over your arms. Arms Slot 4,200 gp Properties +Your maximum hit points are reduced by 5. +You gain a + 1 item bonus to saving throws against charm effects and effects that stu n, daze, or dominate. Flesh-Eating Rod The pain and suffering this implement inflicts make it desirable only to the cruelest wielders. This blacked iron rod is carved with horrid demons cavortina and killina all alona its lenath. Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl17 +4 65,000 gp Implement: Rod Lvl22 +5 Lvl27 +6 325,000 gp 1,625,000 gp Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d10 damage per plus Property Whenever you use this implement to make an attack that deals ongoing damage to an enemy, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to its saving throws to end the ongoing damage. Attack Power (Acid) + Encounter (No Action) Triaaer: You hit and damage an enemy with an attack using this rod. Effect: Reduce the damage the target takes by 5, and the target takes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends). Each time the target takes the ongoing damage, you can slide it 1 square as a free action. Leve/12 or 17: Reduce by 1 0, ongoing 1 0 acid damage. Leve/22 or 27: Reduce by 15, ongoing 15 acid damage. CHAPTER 5 [ Dark Rewards rV'l z V'l
Girdle of Skulls The skulls adorning this belt can create undead servants to protect you in battle. Girdle of Skulls level 12 Rare By pluckina a skull from the belt, you can call forth a skeleton to do your biddina. Waist Slot 17,000 gp Property The girdle starts with four charges. When you take an extended rest, the item regains one charge. Utility Power+ Daily (No Action) Triaaer: You reduce a creature to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: The girdle gains a charge (maximum of four). Utility Power (Summoning) + Encounter (Minor Action) Requirement: The girdle must have at least one charge. Effect: Expend a charge. You summon a skeletal warrior in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of you. The skeletal warrior is an ally to you but not to your allies, and it lacks actions of its own. Instead, you spend actions to command it mentally, choosing from the actions in its description. You must have line of effect to the skeletal warrior to command it. You and it share knowledge but not senses. When the skeletal warrior makes a check, you make the roll using your game statistics, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties. The skeletal warrior lasts until it drops to 0 hit points, at which point you lose a healing surge (or hit points equal to your surge value if you have no surges left). Otherwise, it lasts until you dismiss it as a minor action or until the end of the encounter. Skeletal Warrior Level12 Summoned Creature Medium shadow animate (undead) HP 40; Healing Surges none, but you can lose a healing surge for the creature if an effect allows it to spend one AC 28, Fortitude 24, Reflex 26, Will 22 Speed 7 +Standard Action + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+ 17 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the skeletal warrior's next turn. Minor Action+ At-Will (1/round) Effect: The skeletal warrior walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls. +Opportunity Action +At-Will Triaaer: An adjacent enemy marked by the skeletal warrior shifts or uses an attack power that doesn't target the skeletal warrior. Attack: Melee 1 (triggering enemy); + 17 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 11 damage. Midnight Blade An assassin's weapon if ever there was one, the midni9ht blade masks its true potential when inspected in bright light. In darkness, all the flaws fade when a soft violet light washes the weapon from point to pommel. CHAPTER 5 I Dark Rewards Midnight Blade Level12+ Rare A weapon fora ed for dark deeds works best when cloaked in shadow. Lvl12 +3 13,000gp Lvl17 +4 65,000 gp Weapon: Heavy blade, light blade Lvl22 Lvl27 +5 +6 325,000 gp 1,625,000 gp Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical:+ 1 d8 per plus, or+ 1 d12 per plus in dim light or darkness Properties +You gain darkvision. +You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls when attacking with this weapon in bright light. +You gain a+ 1 item bonus to attack rolls when using this weapon in darkness. Utility Power (Aura)+ Daily (Minor Action) Effect: You activate an aura 2 that lasts until the end of the encounter or until you dismiss it as a free action. Bright light in the aura becomes dim light, and dim light in the aura becomes darkness. Obsidian Wand Shaped from an obsidian shard, this wand is adept at channeling arcane magic and shadow magic, making it a preferred implement for those who deal in dark magic. Obsidian Wand level 3+ Rare \Vhen you channel maaic throuah the wand, you feel it arow as cold as the arave. Lvl3 +1 680 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl13 +3 17,000 gp Implement: Wand Lvl18 Lvl23 Lvl28 +4 +5 +6 85,000 gp 425,000 gp 2,125,000 gp Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical:+ 1 d1 0 necrotic damage per plus ::Y Attack Power + Daily (Standard Action) Effect: As the wizard's ray of enfeeblement power. If this attack reduces the creature to 5 hit points or fewer, the creature dies. Attack Power + Daily (No Action) Triaaer: You reduce a creature to 15 or fewer hit points with an attack power using this wand. Effect: The creature dies. Ray of Enfeeblement Wizard Attack 1 You point three finaers at your foe, curlina them like talons. Weird areen mist streams from your enemy's flesh, canyina away its strenath. Encounter+ Arcane, Implement, Necromancy, Necrotic Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d1 0 +Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Ring of Domination A hag coven forged the rin9 of domination to steal the hearts of men. With only power enough to construct a single ring, the hags vied for the trinket's ownership. It wasn't long before they turned against each other to own the ring truly. While they fought, their slaves rose up and slew them all. Ring of Domination level 24 Rare The Rellanic script driftinB across the rin&'s surface tells a tale of a wicked ha9 who seduced mortal men. Ring Slot 525,000 gp Property You gain a +5 item bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. ;y Attack Power (Charm, Psychic) + Daily (Minor Action) Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +29 vs. Will. You take 15 psy· chic damage. Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). Each time the target fails a saving throw to end the effect, you or one ally you can see takes 15 psychic damage. If you've reached at least one milestone today, the target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws to end the effect. Serpentine Knife of Zannad The serpentine knife ofZannad is one of several treasures wrested from a lost empire's haunted remains. Its story has carved a path of murder and suffering through recent history. Assassins have used it to commit terrible murder, while death cults have killed to find it, even when only chasing rumors. The knife has great value to Zehir's priests, since it helps focus divine energy and is also the perfect tool for dark deeds committed in the god's name. Serpentine Knife of Zannad level 5+ Rare This wavy blade doubles as a weapon and an implement. Lvl 5 + 1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl10 +2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl15 +3 25,000gp Lvl30 +6 3,125,000gp Weapon: Dagger Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1 d8 poison damage per plus Properties +You gain an item bonus to skill checks made as part of a ritual. The bonus equals the dagger's enhancement bonus. +The dagger can be used as a holy symbol. It adds its enhance· ment bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls. You do not gain your weapon proficiency bonus to an attack roll when using the dagger as an implement. Attack Power (Poison)+ Encounter (No Action) Triaaer: You hit an enemy with an attack using this dagger. Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). This damage ignores any immunity or resistance to poison . Leve/15 or 20: Ongoing 10 poison damage. Level 25 or 30: Ongoing 15 poison damage. Utility Power + Daily (Free Action) Triaaer: You perform a coup de grace using the dagger and kill the target. Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to skill checks made as part of the next ritual you perform before the end of your next extended rest. Skull of Terror Druids, shamans, and other primal magic-users create skulls of terror as a last resort to drive back those who would despoil the wilderness. The totem fills their thoughts with monstrous images and sensations of pain and suffering. kull of Terror· ~:' ·- i.e~el S+ Uncommon ChannelinB primal ma9ic throu9h the skull irifects your enemies with an overwhelmin& ur9e to flee from your presence. Lvl5 +1 1,000 gp lvl20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl10 +2 5,000 gp lvl25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl30 +6 3,125,000 gp Implement: Totem Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property You gain a+ 1 item bonus to the attack rolls of fear powers and charm powers used with this totem. Attack Power (Fear)+ Daily (No Action) Triaaer: You hit a creature with an attack using this totem. Effect: You push the target up to its speed. If the target ends its next turn closer to you than where it started the turn, you regain the use of this power. C H A PTER 5 I Dark Rewards Vl :?! I.IJ 1- " I.IJ 1- Vl z Vl
"Destroyin& the book is easy, cutter. You need only three thin&s: the Ritual ofEndinas and Beainnin&s, the v\Tell of Many Worlds, and a death wish." -Rule-of-Three, cambion THE GREATEST prize any servant of darkness can win is without a doubt the Book ofVile Darkness. There are more fabrications than truths about this dark work, yet it surely offers power beyond any mortal reckoning. Wicked beings have claimed this tome at various points in history, each time blotting the world with sinister deeds and vile acts. Sometimes the book finds its way into less villainous hands. When it does, tragedy almost always follows. "The Vile Tome" is a short set of encounters you can add to an ongoing campaign to describe what happens when the Book of Vile Darkness falls into heroes' hands. The various encounters detail key events that can occur during the paragon tier as the adventurers grapple with the dread power in their hands. Unlike other adventures, the encounters described here do not immediately follow each other. Instead, you decide when to use them based on when they would be most appropriate to your campaign. This chapter presents four encounters. + The heroes find the book amid the ruins of a shattered fortress and battle demons. + Hounded by agents of evil, the heroes stumble upon a crazy knight with a sordid tale. + The heroes pursue a lead that could help them destroy the book-or master it. + The future of the cosmos hangs in the balance as the heroes use the Well of Many Worlds to empower or destroy the Book ofVile Darkness. In addition to the adventure itself, this chapter includes the Book ofVile Darkness artifact and support for introducing the item, dealing with its influence, and getting rid of the artifact once the adventurers have had enough. CHAPTER 6 f The Vile Tome
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND The Book of Vile Darkness has a long and sordid history in the world, but that history's darkest chapter tells of the dread mage Nhagruul, who used his own flesh, blood, and spirit to reconstruct the tome. Nhagruul hoped to allow his followers to spread madness and destruction across the world. Riding to counter their foul deeds came a bright order of chivalry, a religious society devoted to Pelor's purifying light. As Nhagruul's twisted henchmen worked their evil, the Knights of the New Sun rode out to meet them, putting their foes to the sword or cleansing their souls in the pyre's purifying flames. Fearing they would lose their prize, Nhagruul's disciples divided the book into three parts and hid them where the knights would never find them. Long years later, when the New Sun had faded to pale shadows of their former might, Nhagruul's dis· ciples stirred again to remake that which was sundered and usher in a new age of darkness. One knight, a hero named Grayson, risked his soul to thwart the disciples' mad ambition. Though he was tempted time and again to embrace evil, he clung to his faith and purpose. After a climactic battle, Grayson defeated the wicked mind flayer Shathrax, who sought to steal the Book ofVile Darkness's power for itself. The death of the mind flayer triggered the collapse of Shathrax's flying fortress, and the vile tome was buried amid the rubble. Although Shathrax did not manage to master the artifact, his effort proved sufficient for the artifact to recombine itself on its own. As it slowly knits itself back together, the tome casts out its influence, seeking a new owner to be tempted. To be corrupted. To be destroyed. BOOK OF VILE DARKNESS: THE MOVIE This adventure uses elements taken from the film Dunaeons & Draaons: The Book of Vile Darkness. You need not have seen the movie to use this material, nor do you have to assume its events took place in your campaign. You should freely adapt the material presented here as you see fit. CH A PTER 6 [ The Vile T ome ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS "The Vile Tome" puts an artifact of dreadful power in the player characters' hands. The adventurers might resist its corrupting influence and set out to destroy it, or they might fall prey to its evil power and become ruled by it. In either case, the events described here unfold as written. The Book of Vile Darkness is far more than a magical book. It is a blot on the world, a shadow cast by the seed of darkness festering in the depths of the Abyss. The tome does not have to wait long for some pliable creature to pluck it from the rubble ofShathrax's fortress; this time, it's happening when the adventurers reach the ruins. A band of demons newly escaped from their fortress prison sift through the keep's remains, looking for people to kill, when the shadow demon senses the book. The adventurers have a chance to defeat the demons before they can make off with the treasure and thereby secure the book for themselves. The book conceals its true power for a while, letting the adventurers think they might have come across some useful magic item rather than an artifact of terrible power. On gaining the Book of Vile Darkness, the characters are free to continue their other quests. From time to time, the adventurers might pick up clues about the book's identity from its evil character and dark power. Researching the book eventually points the adventurers to Nhagruul. The demonic archwizard is long dead, and his followers were supposedly destroyed during the last effort to reconstruct the tome. The best hope the adven· turers have oflearning more about the book is to travel to Nhagruul's tomb. The adventurers know they've arrived at the tomb when they find a hideous statue erected to honor the vile mage. There, a disciple ofNhagruul and his wicked allies spill out from the surrounding forest to wrest the artifact from the party. If the characters prevail and keep the tome, they can commune with Nhagruul's spirit to learn that their objective waits for them at the fabled Well of Many Worlds. If the characters want to master the artifact and its dread power, they must perform a ritual at the Well to summon evil from other realities and recreate the manuscript. If they wish to destroy the book, they must perform the same ritual, but draw forth good from all the worlds to completely destroy the book. In either case, there are others who want the tome for themselves, and these forces converge on the Well to stake their claim.
RUNNING THE ADVENTURE "The Vile Tome" puts a dangerous and evil artifact in the player characters' hands, and presents one possible outcome of the acquisition. Since artifacts are expected to linger, it is best to allow the characters to experi· ment with the book and deal with the repercussions over several adventures. Each story element described could occur during the time the characters possess the artifact, and so you should find ways to insert these elements into your game after the characters first gain the artifact. Although the characters lack the means to destroy the artifact, they can always walk away from it. If they do, the Book of Vile Darkness might trouble them again when it appears in an enemy's clutches or falls into an ally's hands. Expanding the Adventure By spreading out the encounters across the paragon tier, you have the opportunity to add additional encounters and complications to the story. It's expected your other adventures will shoulder a lot of this weight, but you can also extend sequences and add more challenges, expanding this adventure into a short campaign. Look to the rules presented in this book for ideas, opponents, and rewards appropriate for this adventure's plot. CORRUPTION EFFECTS Each time a character who is not chaotic evil uses a power with a corruption effect, he or she must immediately make a saving throw. On a save, the character takes 5 damage per tier. On a failed saving throw, the character gains 1 corruption point. When a character's corruption points equal his or her highest ability modifier, the character's alignment shifts one step toward chaotic evil (lawful good to good, good to unaligned, unaligned to evil, or evil to chaotic evil). The character's corruption point total then drops to 1 + 1 for each time the character's alignment has shifted. A character can remove any corruption points gained by using the Remove Affliction ritual, undergoing a quest for atonement, or some other powerful magic as the DM decides. Dungeon Masters should consider adding corruption effects to other aspects of their vile darkness campaign. For example, a DM might rule that a character with the cultist theme who uses ritual sacrifice to kill a helpless prisoner has gained a corruption point. The slow but inexorable slide into wickedness and depravity can be modeled with corruption effects. THE BOOK OF VILE D ARKNESS (ARTIFACT) The Book of Vile Darkness is appropriate for paragon tier adventurers. Many powers granted by this item have corruption effects (see the "Corruption Effects" sidebar). Book of Vile Darkness Paragon Level A blasphemous tome whose pa3es are stained with unspeakable knowled3e, this vile work reveals evil's darkest secrets. Artifact: Implement (tome) Enhancement Bonus: +4 to attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +4d6 damage, or +4d10 damage against non-evil creatures Properties +You gain a +3 item bonus to Arcana checks, History checks, and Religion checks. + Implement attack powers using this tome deal 2d1 0 extra damage to good-aligned targets. +Whenever you gain a corruption point from using a power granted by this tome, an ally within 5 squares of you also gains a corruption point. +If you are chaotic evil, all non-evil creatures must make opportunity attacks against you when you provoke them. Attack Power+ Daily (No Action) Triaaer: You hit an enemy with an attack using this tome. Effect: The enemy takes 1 d1 0 extra damage. You gain 1 corruption point. Utility Power + Encounter (No Action) Triaaer: An enemy gains an effect that a save can end from an attack power using this tome. Effect: The enemy takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the triggering effect ends. You gain 1 corruption point. Utility Power+ Daily (No Action) Triaaer: You miss with an encounter attack power using this tome. Effect: The miss becomes a hit. You gain 1 corruption point. Utility Power + Daily (No Action) Triaaer: You use a summoning power with this tome. Effect: The summoned creature gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses, and its attacks deal1 d1 0 extra damage. You gain 1 corruption point. Lore Arcana or Religion DC 18: Scrawled across each page of this strange and sinister book are invocations to evil, essays on dark magic, and descriptions of the most sinister forces in the cosmos. Although the theme is constant throughout, different hands and voices suggest many have added to the book's contents at various times. Perusing the book's odd pages, which consist of a mix of parchment, hammered metal, cloth, and other materials, conveys a sense of dread and seductive wonder. Arcana or Religion DC 25: Divining the book's original author is a fruitless enterprise, since it is impossible to discern which parts were added and which are original. Many tales point to Vecna as the first author, CH A PTER 6 I The Vile Tome 1- u <C 1.1. 1- a: <( \ll IJl I.IJ z ~ 0:: <( Cl > 1.1. 0 ~ 0 0 co I.IJ :c 1-
claiming he wrote the book in the months before the Great Betrayal cost him his eye and hand. Others have suggested darkness itself inspired the book, compelling those in its thrall to bind a fragment of their souls into the tome, both to record their insights and to give the book its power. Arcana or Religion DC 34: Sages claim many copies of the Book of Vile Darkness exist, but all are lesser volumes, crude reproductions of the true work. Though there have been efforts to destroy the book in the past, each time the tome manages to reconstitute itself, as if it possessed a will to exist-a will that exerts dark influ· ence over its wielder. Those who study its foul pages find their souls darkening and shriveling, until they become thralls to the darkness of the void. As powerful as the tome appears, some sages have speculated that the artifact that surfaces from time to time is but a projection of the true Book of Vile Darkness. These theories suggest that each world-each realityhas its own Book of Vile Darkness, recording the insights and discoveries of the worst villains inhabiting that time and place. If one could draw forth the essence of evil from other worlds and combine them into one cosmos-shattering whole, one could become mightier than the gods. Similarly, the only way to truly end the book's threat to the world would be to draw the com· bined goodness from these worlds and use it to destroy the tome permanently. Goals of the Book + Reveal the book's secrets to a worthy servant and convince that servant to draw from its power. + Magnify the book's sinister power by recording new evils into its pages. + Spread evil and darkness across the world through conquest and corruption. + Defeat good in every quarter until evil reigns supreme. Roleplaying the Book The Book of Vile Darkness is aware. Thanks to the soul fragments binding wicked ideas and writings to its pages, the book possesses a dim cunning and a drive to spread despair and suffering throughout the world. It senses when it is handled or examined, and can conceal its darker subjects to appear less sinister to a viewer whose alignment differs from its own. The book's great power should tempt the character to tap into the magic it contains and use it in place of whatever implement the character normally would wield. The more the character uses the book, the greater his or her corrup· tion grows until the wielder becomes chaotic evil (see the "Corruption Effects" sidebar). Although possessed of intelligence, the book has no means to communicate outside the words on its pages. CHAPTER 6 I The Vile Tome This said, the book can move words around on the page so the reader can divine its intentions and objectives, should he or she earn the book's trust. CONCORDANCE Starting Score 5 Owner gains a level +1d10 Owner becomes evil +4 Owner kills a good aiJy +4 Owner kills a good creature that's not an ally +2 Owner gains corruption points equal to highest ability modifier +2 Owner performs an evil act +1 Owner uses a healing power on an ally -1 Owner performs a good act -2 Owner removes corruption points by Remove Affliction ritu.al or similar._l}lagic -4 Pleased (16-20) "The words and diaarams that once swam across these paaes have stopped their errant movement. I can now divine the awful truths this book contains." The Book of Vile Darkness is greatly pleased with the character's corruption and trusts the character with the dark knowledge its pages contain.
Enhancement Bonus: +5 to attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +5d6 damage, or +5d10 damage against non-evil creatures Properties • You gain a +5 item bonus to Arcana checks, History checks, and Religion checks. • Implement attack powers that deal damage using this tome deal 3d1 0 extra damage to good-aligned targets. • Whenever you gain a corruption point from using a power granted by this tome, each ally within 5 squares of you also gains a corruption point. <:~Attack Power (Charm, Fear} • Daily (Standard Action) Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst}; your level + 5 vs. Will Hit: If the target is non-evil, you can push it up to its speed, and it is dazed (save ends). If the target is evil, it is dominated until the end of your next turn . Satisfied (12-15) "I have proven myself a worthy servant of the book and I can now see areater meanina and power in its paaes." The book sinks foul claws into the reader's soul, twisting it toward wickedness. As a reward for the character's gradual slide into darkness, the book reveals a useful secret. :r Attack Power • Encounter (Minor Action} Effect: Ranged 5 (one Large or smaller unattended, non magical object). The target takes 4d20 +your level damage. This damage ignores any resistances. Normal (5-11) "There is power in this book. I must steel my heart and mind to master it." The book conceals much from its wielder, though it hints at great power and terrible magic in the concepts that seem to crawl on every page. Unsatisfied (1-4) "Try as I miaht, I cannot block the sinister visions assailina my mind. The book's power is too areat." If the wielder resists the book's influence, the artifact grows angry and fearful that its wielder will somehow seek to destroy it or, at the very least, contain it. It actively works against its wielder until it finds a more reliable servant. Properties • You gain vulnerable 5 to all damage. • The first time you become bloodied each encounter, the tome dominates you until the end of your next turn. It compels you to attack your allies or moves you into danger. Angered (0 or lower) "I cannot bear this burden much Ionaer. If I do, I fear I will ao mad!" The book loathes its wielder and uses its full power and influence to destroy what it considers its enemy. Enhancement Bonus: +3 to attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +3 d6 damage, or +3d1 0 damage against non-evil creatures Properties • You gain vulnerable 5 to all damage. • You treat allies as enemies for the purposes of your attack powers. In addition, you must make opportunity attacks against your allies when possible. • Each time you take damage while you are bloodied, you must make an attack as a free action using an at-will attack power against an ally you can see. Moving On "I am doomed!" The Book ofVile Darkness devours its owner's soul, leaving behind a living and unresponsive husk. Black flames burn away the artifact until nothing but greasy ash remains. The place of the artifact's disappearance is forever cursed; nothing will grow there, and people who linger in the area sicken and die. As for the owner, nothing short of divine intervention will restore the devoured soul. Convincing a god to assist such a villain is a quest in its own right. The book is not gone from the world for long. Some despicable soul will find a way to reconstruct the tome, by ritual or by quest, and those who look for the terrible book are bound to find it. Using the Encounters This adventure works best when you mix the encounters and events described here with another adventure so that thoughts of the Book of Vile Darkness fester in the background, periodically coming to the fore as the characters fight against its influence or try to master its teachings. You'll need the Rules Compendium to run this adventure and for rolling random treasures. The tactical encounters use the poster map included with this product, so keep it handy. CHAPTER 6 J T he V ile Tome > I.J. 0 ~ 0 0 co UJ :c f-
ENCOUNTER 1: DEVASTATION OF SHATHRAX Combat Encounter Level13 (4,800 XP) The adventure begins when the characters come across the ruins of Shathrax's floating fortress. They might hear about a "mountain falling from the sky" and investigate, or they might simply come across the crater en route to some other location. If the adventurers aren't quite ready to find the artifact, you could foreshadow this encounter by letting them hear rumors about the ruined fortress and whispers about how evil creatures roam the devastated lands. Unless the characters approach stealthily, they are seen and attacked by a gang of demons that survived the destruction ofShathrax's fortress. The adventurers should discover the Book ofVile Darkness either during or after the fight. Light: Bright light during the day (sunlight), dim light at night (moonlight). Monsters: 1 vile shadow demon (S), 2 mezzodemons (M), 2 demonic savage minotaurs (D), 4 dretch lackeys (L). The demons sift through the ruins in search of victims and plunder. The shadow demon senses that the Book of Vile Darkness is near. Perception DC 20 (40 at night without darkvision or low-light vision): The character sees a black book protruding from the rubble (in the square marked "B" on the map). It has a strange and sinister appearance. When the adventurers arrive at the crater, read: Rubble litters the landscape all around a deep crater. Twisted corpses lie here and there, tanaled in the ruin. Pickin& their way through the debris are a pair ofhulkin& minotaurs, two insectile fiends wielding tridents, and several bickerin& blobs of flesh. Flitting over them all is a shadowy fiaure that oozes menace. This encounter takes place on the battle map. Place the characters in their start area and monsters as shown on the map. Tactics: Until a character attacks the shadow demon, it spends its actions moving and searching. Each time it makes a Perception check (a move action), it searches a 5-square-by-5 -square space. If the adventurers haven't found the artifact by the third round, the shadow demon searches the area where it waits. Should it come under attack, it uses abyssal horror to drive off its enemies to give it time to resume its search. Once it gets the book or it can no longer search for it, it goes on the offensive, usingfleetin& shadow to move into a flank and then following up with vile possession. C H A P T ER 6 I Th e V ile T om e The mezzodemons block the adventurers from closing on the shadow demon and use skewerin& tines and poison breath to keep enemies in place. The savage minotaurs charge the adventurers, attacking with claws and then springing away with aorin& attack to punish artillery. The dretch gang up on the closest enemy, hoping to overwhelm it with their vile auras. Vile Shadow Demon (S) Level 12 Elite Lurker Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 1,400 HP 184; Bloodied 92 AC 26, Fortitude 12, Reflex 26, Will24 Speed 0, fly 8 (hover); phasing Resist 1 S necrotic Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS 0 Shadow Shift (necrotic) + Aura 1 Initiative + 17 Perception + 13 Darkvision Any enemy in the aura that hits the shadow demon with a melee attack takes S necrotic damage. Insubstantial The shadow demon takes half damage from all attacks, except those that deal force damage. Wheneve r the shadow demon takes radiant damage, it loses this trait until the start of its next turn. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Claw (necrotic) +At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature);+ 1 S vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, plus 1d8 necrotic damage ifthe shadow demon has combat advantage against the target. +Vile Possession (charm, psychic) + Recharge when no creature is affected by vile possession Attack: Melee 1 (one creature granting combat advantage to the shadow demon);+ 1 S vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is dominated (save ends). While the target is dominated, the shadow demon is removed from play. Aftereffect: The shadow demon returns to play in an unoccupied square of its choice within S squares of the target. <~Abyssal Horror (fear)+ Recharge (3] [j] Attack: Close blast S (enemies in the blast); + 1 S vs. Will Hit: The shadow demon pushes the target up to its speed, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends). ~Abyssal Void (necrotic, zone) + Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst);+ 1 S vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + 6 necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone of darkness that lasts until the end of the shadow demon's next turn. The zone blocks line of sight for all creatures that cannot see in darkness. Any enemy that starts its turn in the zone takes S necrotic damage and is immobilized until the start of its next turn. MINOR AcnoNs +Void Rake+ At-Will (1 /round) Effect: The shadow demon uses claw. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Variable Resistance + 2/Encounter Triaaer: The shadow demon takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. Effect (Free Action): The shadow demon gains resist 20 to the triggering damage type until the end of the encounter or until it uses variable resistance again. Skills Arcana + 1 S, Bluff + 15, Stealth + 18 Str 8 (+5) Dex 24 (+ 13) Con14(+8) lnt19(+10) Wis 14(+8) Cha 19 (+10) Alignment chaotic evil languages Abyssal, Common
2 Mezzodemons (M) Level11 Soldier Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 600 each HP 113; Bloodied 56 AC 27, Fortitude 24, Reflex 12, Will23 Speed 6 Resist 10 poison STANDARD AcTIONS CD Trident (weapon)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 16 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 10 damage. +Skewering Tines (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 16 vs. AC Initiative +9 Perception + 13 Darkvision Hit: 2d8 + 10 damage, and the target is restrained and takes ongoing 5 damage (save e nds both). Until the effect ends, the mezzodemon cannot use trident or skewerinB tines. ( .... Poison Breath (poison) + Recharge ~ [l] Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); + 14 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 5 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Variable Resistance+ 2/Encounter Tri88er: The mezzodemon takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. Effect (Free Action): The mezzodemon gains resist 10 to the triggering damage type until the end of the encounter or until it uses variable resistance again. Skills Intimidate +11 Str 10 (+10) Dex 15 (+7) Con 17 (+8) lnt 10 (+5) Wis 16 (+8) Cha 13 (+6) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal Equipment trident 4 Dretch Lackeys (L) Level12 Minion Brute Small elemental humanoid (demon) XP 250 each HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 24, Fortitude 26 , Reflex 24, Will12 Initiative +9 Perception +8 SPEED DARKVISION TRAITS (). Sickening Miasma + Aura 1 Whenever an enemy in the aura takes a standard action or a move action, it takes 1 damage. Multiple sickeninB miasma auras stack, dealing up to 10 damage. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Savage Claws + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 17 vs. AC Hit: 12 damage. Str20(+11) Con 16 (+9) Dex 17 (+9) lnt 5 (+3) Wis 12 (+7) Cha 7 (+4) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal CHA PT ER 6 J The V ile Tome X <t: et: .,. .... ~ :I: V'l u. 0 z 0 s V'l ~ I.I.J 0 et: u.J 1- z :J 0 u z I.I.J
2 Demonic Savage Minotaurs (D) Level11 Brute large natural humanoid XP 600 each HP 140; Bloodied 70 AC 23, Fortitude 25, Reflex 22, Will 20 Speed 8 STANDARD ACTIONS CD Claws • At-Will Initiative +8 Perception +7 Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); + 16 vs. AC. If the minotaur targets only one creature, it can make this attack twice against that creature. Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the minotaur grabs the target (escape DC 19) if it has fewer than two creatures grabbed. + Impale • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the minotaur); +14 vs. Fortitude Hit: 5d8 + 13 damage. The target falls prone and is no longer grabbed by the minotaur. TRIGGERED AcTIONS + Goring Assault • At-Will Triaaer: An enemy within 10 squares of the minotaur hits it with a ranged or area attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The minotaur charges the triggering enemy. Str 22 (+11) Con20(+10) Dex 16 (+8) lnt 5 (+2) Wis 15 (+7) Cha 7 (+3) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common Features of the Area Book of Vile Darkness (B): If the shadow demon finds the artifact before the adventurers and grabs it, the shadow demon gains a + 2 bonus to attack rolls and defenses until it drops to 0 hit points or until the end of the encounter. Corpses: Corpses are scattered throughout the fortress wreckage, and residual magic from the shattered stronghold gives them a semblance oflife. The corpses attack living creatures, and a corpse can be destroyed by spending a standard action to attack it (no attack roll necessary). TRIGGERED ACTION +Corpse Attack • At-Will Triaaer: A Medium or smaller living creature starts its turn in a square containing a corpse or adjacent to it. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering creature);+ 16 vs. Reflex Hit: The target is grabbed (escape DC 20). Each time the target ends its turn grabbed by a corpse, it takes 10 damage. Rubble Mounds: Great heaps of rubble litter the slope down to the crater's bottom. It costs 3 squares of movement to enter a rubble mound's space. In addition, the mounds grant cover to creatures standing behind them. Treasure: In addition to finding the Book ofVile Darkness, adventurers searching the rubble find two treasure rolls on the Treasure by Party Level table (Rules Compendium, pages 298-302). CHAPTER 6 I The V ile Tome Gaining the Artifact The characters can recover the Book ofVile Darkness after defeating the demons picking through the rubble of Shathrax's fallen fortress. Read: You have found a massive book: a dark thins, crudely made and adorned with sinister decorations. The spine is a shriekina face held in place with nails and barbed wire. A toothy metal hasp keeps the black covers shut. Metal wing shapes reinforce the edaes, resemblina those of a bat or demon. Stranae runes and diaarams have been painted on the black leather covers, the skins stretched taut over concealed boards. There is a stranaeness about this tome, a sort of wron9ness that speeds the heart and raises hairs. Savvy players will guess that the tome is none other than the Book of Vile Darkness. Even if they don't, they should get a sense of the book's sinister nature. Good characters might be inclined to destroy the book, but, as an artifact, nothing they try will even scratch its cover. Not even the Disenchant Magic Item ritual will destroy it. This leaves the adventurers with two options: They can leave it behind-making it likely that some other passerby will find it-or they can take it with them. Consequences of Possession The first character to open the Book of Vile Darkness and examine its contents becomes its owner. From this examination, the character learns the book's essential characteristics including its enhancement bonus, critical dice, its first two listed properties, and its first power. Each time the character takes an extended rest and studies the book, reveal another power or property; you can also reveal an extra power or property if the character is evil or chaotic evil. Don't announce the artifact's capabilities to the entire group. Pull the player aside or use notes to communicate this information. This way, it's up to the player to decide which discoveries to keep secret and which ones to share. A character under the book's influence is going to perceive the world in a slightly different way. You can use any of the following descriptions to reinforce the artifact's dark power. You might share these openly or in secret with the players. Decay: Food tends to spoil around the owner, and even water develops an acrid taste. Disturbing Voices: The owner hears faint whispers. Although the words are incoherent, every once in a while, the owner hears things like "kill," "read," and "worship." Nightmares: The owner experiences vivid nightmares wherein he or she is betrayed, harmed, or maimed by his or her companions.
Paranoia: The owner senses that his or her companions are watching. From time to time, the owner imagines a companion staring at the book. Shadows: Shadows seem to bend and flicker around the owner. Stench: Good creatures have a sickening odor, making it hard for the owner to be around them without gagging. Unwholesome Visage: The owner sees others in the very worst light, each flaw magnified until it eclipses all other features. A sore on the lip might pulsate evilly, while things might crawl in the spaces between dirty teeth. ENCOUNTER 2: KNIGHT OF THE NEW SUN Combat Encounter Level Varies At some point after the adventurers have had the Book ofVile Darkness for a while, they encounter a Knight of the New Sun rotting in a crow cage suspended from a pole at a crossroads. He is nothing like the Knights of old; he's a broken man who allowed addiction and despair to shatter his faith. Ahead, you spy a caae swinaina on the end of a chain hanainafrom a wooden frame. Ravens dina to the metal bars, a shriekina host arown fat on rotten meat. At your approach, the ravens flap away in a raae. With the birds a one, you can see inside the caae. A tanale of limbs crammed inside present a arisly feast. With a start, you realize that not all of the limbs are dead, as you see a wild-eyed man with aray skin and slack mouth, his lips cracked and bleedina. The man in the cage is Paulus, a fallen Knight of the New Sun. The local magistrate locked him inside after he was judged guilty of murder. The knight did indeed kill a man for his coins, to feed his addiction to the drug baccaran. He's near death, having had no water for almost three days. If the adventurers give him water or use a healing power such as healing word, he regains strength enough to talk. Paulus reveals a sorry tale, from the pride and honor of joining the Knights, to his first encounter with baccaran and subsequent addiction, to the wicked deed that placed him in the cage. Fill in the details as you like to add color to his story. While his tale might be interesting to some, the information Paulus has about the order and the Book ofVile Darkness is the real point of this interaction. Paulus can reveal all the information in the adventure background and as many clues about the artifact as you like. You might also reveal information about the Disciples ofNhagruul (see Chapter 4). If the adventurers reveal that they carry the book, Paulus starts screaming incoherently and tearing at his skin with dirty nails until his voice finally gives out and he collapses from exhaustion. The wretched knight is too weak to be of any other use. Even if rescued from the cage, his wounds tended, he will die in a few days. He simply lacks the will to live. Development The world shudders at the Book of Vile Darkness's return. There's no shortage of villains who would do anything to get their hands on the tome. The longer the adventurers carry the book, the more likely they are to face z :::J \/) $ u.J z u.J :r: fI.J.. 0 f- :r: z ~ enemies drawn by the artifact's evil. a: You can use the following encounters to demonstrate ~ the growing interest in the artifact. Feel free to substi- Z tute different creatures or add more encounters. ::::l 0 Undying Ambition Levell2 Encounter (XP 3,850) + 1lich necromancer (level 14 elite controller; Monster Vault, page 183) + 2 master vampires (level12 lurker; Monster Vault, page 283) + 3 putrescent zombies (level11 minion brute; Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead'M, page 196) A lich necromancer and its undead henchmen pick up the adventurers' trail. The lich sends the zombies forward to keep the adventurers busy long enough for the vampires to snatch the artifact using their dominatina aaze. The vampires and lich break off the attack if the lich gains the book. Disciple of Shathrax Level14 Encounter (XP 5,500) + 1 mind flayer thrall master (level 14 elite controller [leader]; Monster Vault, page 205) + 2 arena-trained ogres (level14 brute; Monster Vault, page 219) + 6 derro thugs (level 14 minion brute; Monster Manual 3, page 49) On learning of its master's death, a mind flayer acolyte of Shathrax sets out to continue the villain's work. It knows Shathrax's plan and eventually learns that the adventurers have the book. The mind flayer instructs its servants to kill all the characters except for the book's owner, whose brain it intends to devour. By doing so, the mind flayer hopes to gain whatever knowledge the owner has of the book. CHA PT ER 6 I T he Vile To me u z u.J
Demon Directive Level14 Encounter (XP 5,400) + 3 abyssal eviscerators (levell4 brute; Monster Vault, page 47) + 3 babaus (level 13 skirmisher; Monster Vault, page 45) A demon lord dispatches foot soldiers to take the book from the adventurers. The demon lord doesn't risk a direct confrontation to avoid showing its hand to its rivals. The demons are unsubtle and aggressive. They prefer to take the treasure from the adventurers' corpses. ENCOUNTER 3: NHAGRUUL'S LEGACY Combat Encounter Level16 (7,600 XP) and Skill Challenge Levell7 (3,200 XP) Although Nhagruul is long dead, his evil essence lives on in the Book of Vile Darkness. Nhagruul has not enjoyed his time inside the artifact and desperately wants to be free. He has little power independent of the book, but he might influence the artifact's owner by shifting words on the tome's pages or whispering into his or her mind. If, however, the characters have been good and avoided using the artifact, they probably come across Nhagruul's name in their own research or by talking with Paulus. It should be clear that the means to destroy the artifact lie with this dreadful being. In any event, the adventurers should at some point come across the Idol ofNhagruul in a twisted and dark forest. The characters might seek it out or, failing this, stumble across it. Light: Bright light during the day (sunlight), dim light at night (moonlight). Monsters: 1 disciple ofNhagruul (D), 1 chaos beast deep hulk, 2 crazed ogre dreadnoughts (0), 4 Nhagruul fanatics (F). All of the monsters are hidden when the characters arrive. Perception DC 22: The character spots the closest hidden enemy. When the adventurers arrive at the scene, read: The dense forest gives way to a clearing. Several monoliths, each carved with screaming humanoid faces, stand in a circle around a statue depicting a monstrous humanoid dressed in robes and fraught with horrid mutations. Nhagruul's disciples raised a statue here to honor their master. They suspect, but are not certain, that a fragment of their master's soul is trapped within the stone. A few surviving disciples and monstrous allies CHAPTER 6 I The Vile Tome watch the statue in the hope their master will give them a sign. The disciple and fanatics hide in the woods. The ogres hide behind two menhirs, waiting for the order to strike. The chaos beast deep hulk (not shown on the map) is underground and burrows up to join the fight once the combat begins. These creatures attack when spotted or when the adventurers come within 3 squares of the statue. This encounter takes place on the battle map. Place the characters in their start area, but don't place the monsters until they're presence becomes known. If the characters fail to notice the hidden monsters, read: Several robed, flail-wielding humanoids spill out from the trees, while two hulking ogres clad in plate armor complete with skull masks step out from behind the stones. One shouts, "The book! Give us the book!" When the deep hulk appears, read: The ground splits wide to reveal a horrid monster: a strange, almost humanoid horror with rainbow-colored chitin plates covering its limbs and torso and great claws that end in curling talons. Strange lights play in its multifaceted eyes, while tentacles wriggle free from its body and its colors swirl and change. Tactics: The creatures want the Book of Vile Darkness and sacrifice their lives to get it. The disciple ofNhagruul hangs back behind its allies, hurling death by thorns at enemies it can see. The disciple then draws his flail and charges. The deep hulk burrows up in a space near the adventurers and leads with double attack. If it grabs a character, it spends its action point to use corporeal instability. Henceforth, it alternates between maddening gaze and double attack until corporeal instability recharges. The ogres charge into the front ranks, attacking with their greatswords each round. Once they become bloodied, they use insane rage to keep opponents locked down. The fanatics skirt the battlefield's edges to hit ranged attackers from behind.
Disciple of Nhagruul (D) Level16 Controller (Leader) Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1,400 HP 153; Bloodied 76 AC 30, Fortitude 26, Reflex 30, Will 28 Speed 6 TRAITS 0 Palpable Evil (fear) + Aura 2 Initiative + 13 Perception +7 Enemies in the aura take a -2 penalty to all defenses. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Flail (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 21 vs. AC Hit: 2d1 0 + 8 damage, and the disciple can slide the target 1 square. ~ Soul Rot (necrotic, psychic) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); + 19 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 5 necrotic and psychic damage, and the target cannot shift, use opportunity actions, or use immediate actions until the end of the disciple's next turn. ~ Death by Thorns + Encounter Attack: Ranged 10 (one, two, or three creatures);+ 19 vs. Fortitude. If the disciple targets only one creature, it gains a +4 bonus to the attack roll. Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is dazed and takes ongoing 15 damage (save ends both). Miss: Half damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS , ... Deranged Laughter (fear) + Encounter Trigger: The disciple becomes bloodied. Effect (No Action): Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst). The disciple pushes the target up to half its speed. Until the end of the encounter, the disciple takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. Stern Command + Recharge [Z] (U] Trigger: An ally within 5 squares misses on an attack. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering ally rerolls the attack roll. If it misses, the ally takes 10 damage. Str 12 (+9) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 8 (+7) Con17(+11) lnt24(+15) Cha20(+13) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common Equipment robes, flail 4 Nhagruul Fanatics (F) Level14 Minion Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid, human XP 250 each HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +13 AC 28, Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 25 Perception +6 Speed 6 Immune fear STANDARD AcTIONS CD Flail (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 19 vs. AC Hit: 11 damage. Effect: The fanatic can shift 1 square to a square adjacent to the target. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Hate+ At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares drops an ally of the fanatic to 0 hit points. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The fanatic shifts up to 5 squares and uses flail against the triggering enemy. Str 22 (+13) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 8 (+6) Con 17 (+10) lnt 11 (+7) Cha 16 (+10) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common Equipment robes, flail 2 Crazed Ogre Dreadnoughts (0) Level14 Soldier Large natural humanoid XP 1 ,000 each HP 140; Bloodied 70 AC 30, Fortitude 28, Reflex 24, Will 26 Speed 8 TRAITS Threatening Reach Initiative +12 Perception + 12 The dreadnought can make opportunity attacks against enemies within 2 squares of it. STANDARD AcTIONS CD Greatsword (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); + 19 vs. AC Hit: 1 d12 + 11 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the dreadnought's next turn. MINOR ACTIONS ~ Insane Rage + At-Will (1/round) Requirement: The ogre must be bloodied. Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); + 17 vs. Will Hit: The target is slowed until the end of the dreadnought's next turn. Effect: The target is marked until the end of the dreadnought's next turn. TRIGGERED ACTIONS Dreadnought's Resolve + Recharge [;::;] [Z] (U] Trigger: The dreadnought fails a saving throw. Effect (No Action): The dreadnought rerolls the saving throw with a +2 bonus. Skills Athletics + 19 Str 24 (+14) Con 20 (+12) Dex 16 (+10) lnt 8 (+6) Wis20(+12) Cha 23 (+13) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant Equipment plate armor, greatsword CH A PTER 6 I The Vile Tome >- u <C lJ L.iJ ...I VI ~ ::::l ::::l cr.: lJ <C :r:: z cr.: L.iJ 1- z ::::l 0 u z L.iJ
Chaos Beast Deep Hulk Level17 Elite Brute large elemental magical beast XP 3,200 HP 404; Bloodied 202 Initiative + 12 AC 29, Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will27 Perception +16 Speed 5, burrow 2 (tunneling) Darkvision, tremorsense 5 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 STANDARD ACTIONS CD Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 12 damage. +Double Attack+ At-Will Effect: The deep hulk uses claw twice. If both attacks hit the same target and the deep hulk has no creature grabbed, the deep hulk grabs the target (escape DC 23). ~ Maddening Gaze (charm) + At-Will Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +20 vs. Will Hit: During its next turn, the target takes a standard action to make a basic attack against its nearest ally. If no ally is within range, the target instead takes a standard action to charge its nearest ally it is able to charge. +Corporeal Instability (disease)+ Recharge li] Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. Fortitude Hit: 10 damage, and the target makes a saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a failed saving throw, the target contracts corpo· real instability (stage 1; see page 48). Miss: 10 damage. Effect: The deep hulk takes 10 damage. MovE AcTIONS Slithering Mass + Encounter Effect: lfthe deep hulk is marked, the condition ends. The deep hulk can shift up to half its speed and ignores difficult terrain during this movement. Str26(+16) Dex18(+12) Con 22 (+14) lnt 5 (+5) Alignment unaligned languagesWis 16 (+11) Cha 11 (+8) Features of the Area Forest: Squares containing forest are lightly obscured and difficult terrain. Menhirs: These 10-foot-tall stones bear carvings of screaming faces and count as blocking terrain. A DC 16 Athletics check is required to climb a menhir, and its top is difficult terrain. Carnage Stone: Whenever a creature starts its turn on a square containing carnage stone and before the creature does anything else, the DM rolls a d6. On an odd number, the creature falls prone. On an even number, the creature makes a melee basic attack as a free action against a random adjacent creature. If there is no target, the creature takes 10 psychic damage. Statue ofNhagruul: This 15-foot-tall statue depicts a monstrously deformed humanoid in robes. The statue is blocking terrain, and a DC 16 Athletics check is required to climb on top of it. If a character brings the Book of Vile Darkness within 3 squares of the statue, the statue animates. If this happens while the battle is raging between the characters and the emissaries of Vecna, the statue does not attack but instead waits until the battle is resolved before addressing the survivors (see below). CHAPT E R 6 J The Vile Tome Skill Challenge: Dealing with the Idol The statue ofNhagruul animates if the Book ofVile Darkness comes within 3 squares of it. When the statue animates, read: Dust spills from the hideous statue as it turns to face you. Its monstrous features contortinB with hate, it bellows, "You dare brinB that wretched tome here?" The book's presence enrages the corrupted spirit trapped inside the statue. The spirit recalls enough about its mortal crime-reassembling the Book of Vile Darkness-to be of assistance to the adventurers, whether they hope to master its power or destroy it. Coercing the spirit to give up its secrets is the skill challenge. The challenge ends when the characters make six successful checks, at which point they convince the spirit to reveal the Ritual of Endings and Beginnings, or they gain three failures, at which point the idol attacks. Level: 17 (3,200XP). Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures). Time Frame: Each character can make a check in this challenge once per round as a standard action. Primary Skills: Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, History, Insight, Intimidate. Bar9ainin9 with the Spirit (Bluff or Diplomacy DC 23 if they intend to destroy the book, DC 31 if they intend to harness its power): The characters can explain why they have the artifact and what they intend to do with it. A successful check earns the adventurers one success in the challenge, with an additional success for every 5 points by which the check result beats the DC. ObservinB the Statue (Insi9ht DC 23; maximum 1 success): A character can learn much about the spirit haunting the statue by watching and listening. On a successful check, the character learns that the spirit fears the book and gains one success toward the challenge. RecallinB Ancient Lore (Arcana or History DC 23): The character recalls lore about Nhagruul or his enemies that could be used to the party's advantage. A successful check earns the adventurers one success toward the challenge, and a success by 5 or more grants the adventurers a noncumulative + 2 bonus on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks made until the end of the skill challenge. On a failed check, the adventurers earn a failure in this challenge and take a noncumulative -2 penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy checks until the end of the encounter. ThreateninB the Spirit (Intimidate DC 23): A character can threaten the spirit by brandishing the book. If the character beats the DC by 5 or more, he or she also removes one failure .
Success: If the adventurers earn 6 successes before acquiring 3 failures, Nhagruul's spirit tells the characters that they must perform the Ritual of Endings and Beginnings at the Well of Many Worlds to either destroy the book or harness its power. The spirit reveals the well's location and the procedure for destroying the tome (see "Ritual of Endings and Beginnings" in Encounter 4). Failure: If the adventures earn 3 failures before acquiring 6 successes, the spirit disappears, and the statue becomes a stone golem and attacks until destroyed. Within the rubble of the destroyed golem, the characters find a scroll with the Ritual of Endings and Beginnings scrawled on it, but it doesn't specify where the ritual must be performed. The characters might learn about the Well of Many Worlds from a divination ritual, a friendly nonplayer character, as information gained during another adventure, or with a DC 32 Arcana check (at your discretion). Stone Golem Level17 Elite Soldier Large natural animate (construct) XP 3,200 HP 336; Bloodied 168 AC 33, Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 27 Speed 6 (cannot shift) Immune disease, poison Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 STANDARD ACTIONS CD Slam + At-Will Initiative +8 Perception +7 Darkvision Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 11 damage, and the golem can push the target 1 square. + Double Attack -+- At-Will Effect: The golem uses slam twice. Each attack knocks the target prone if it hits. + Golem Rampage -+- Recharge (8] [] Effect: The golem moves up to its speed+ 2. During this movement, the golem can move through enemies' spaces, and when the golem first enters any creature's space, it uses slam against that creature. TRIGGERED AcTIONS (-+ Death_Burst -+- Encounter Triaaer: The golem drops to 0 hit points. Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +22 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 10 damage. Effect: The golem is destroyed. The area of the burst is difficult terrain until cleared. Str 24(+15) Con 24(+15) Dex7 (+6) lnt 3 (+4) Alignment unaligned LanguagesWis 8 (+7) Cha 3 (+4) ENCOUNTER 4: THE WELL OF MANY WORLDS Encounter Level18 (11,600 XP) The Well of Many Worlds is the most powerful portal in the planes. Unlike most portals, it connects to all places at once. While useful for a quick transit, it can also be used to draw objects, and possibly creatures, forth. Research indicates that the Well of Many Worlds is the party's best hope for destroying the Book ofVile Darkness-or mastering its power. The well provides the means by which the adventurers can rid themselves of the accursed artifact or harness its ultimate power. There, they can perform the Ritual of Endings and Beginnings to call forth good or evil from other worlds and use those forces to augment or destroy the tome. The Well of Many Worlds can be anywhere you need it to be. It might be deep in the Underdark, on an abandoned astral dominion such as Pluton or Shorn, or somewhere in the Realm ofDreams. Run this encounter at some point before the artifact moves on. Arcana DC varies: The character knows the effects of the reality holes (DC 17), temporal disturbances (DC 23), and obelisks (DC 33) in the vicinity. See "Features of the Area" for details. Light: Bright light. Monsters: 1 angel of vengeance (A), 2 spell howlers ofVecna (S), 8 angel of valor veterans (V). When the adventurers arrive at the scene, read: Four 20foot-taii obelisks rise atop a rocky hill. Multicolored lights shine from the hilltop ,filling the air with a scintillating glow. Here and there, you spy clouds of pink mist, iridescent gusts of wind, and other strange distortions. Before the characters can begin the Ritual ofEndings and Beginnings, creatures in service to Vecna show up to thwart their efforts. This encounter takes place on the battle map. Let the players place their miniatures on the map, and then place the creatures as indicated. When Vecna's servants appear, read: A howling wind fills the air, presaging the appearance of a dreadful host. An enormous angel wreathed in fire and ice clutches two bone longswords, while smaller, man-sized creatures appear in the air to all sides. Two skinless humanoids scuttle across the ground, pain and madness evident in their twisted features. The mighty angel speaks, its voice the sound of thunder: "Cease this fool's errand and surrender yourselves CHA PTER 6 I The Vile Tome Vl 0 ...J ~ 0 $ >- z <( :?. w.. 0 ...J ...J IJ.J $ IJ.J I r- "" C!! IJ.J rz :::::l 0 u z IJ.J
to the Whispered One's will. Should you comply with haste, your deaths will be mercifully swift." Tactics: The creatures are under orders to destroy the adventurers and bring the Book of Vile Darkness back to Vecna. The angel of vengeance uses sign of vengeance against the one carrying the artifact and then teleports to that character's side, where it uses double attack. The angel follows the character until it is destroyed or until it gains the book. Once it does, it flies off with the artifact. The angels of valor fight to keep the other adventur· ers busy while their powerful ally recovers the book. Meanwhile, the spell howlers keep back, peppering the characters with ranged attacks. The veterans and the howlers fight to the death. Angel of Vengeance (A) Level 19 Elite Brute large immortal humanoid (angel) XP 4,800 HP 426; Bloodied 213 AC 31 , Fortitude 33, Reflex 29, Will 33 Speed 8, fly 12 (hover) Immune fear; Resist 15 cold, 15 fire, 15 radiant Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS Cloak of Vengeance (cold, fire) Initiative + 13 Perception + 16 While the angel is not bloodied, attack rolls against it take a -2 penalty, and any creature that hits the angel with a melee attack takes 10 cold and fire damage. STANDARD ACTIONS CD longsword (cold, fire, weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +24 vs. AC Hit: 4d1 0 + 12 cold and fire damage. + Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The angel uses longsword twice. MINOR ACTIONS Sign of Vengeance+ Encounter Effect: Ranged sight (one creature). Until the end of the encounter, the angel can teleport adjacent to the target as a move action. TRIGGERED AcTIONs ~ Coldfire Pillar Transformation (cold, fire, polymorph)+ Encounter Trigger: The angel is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): The angel becomes a 6-square-high pillar of fire and ice until the start of its next turn. While in this form, it is immune to all damage. When the effect ends, the angel makes the following attack. Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 18 cold and fire damage. Skills Insight +21 Str27(+17) Con 13 (+10) Dex 18 (+13) lnt 19 (+13) Wis 25 (+16) Cha 26 (+17) Alignment unaligned languages Supernal Equipment 2 longswords CHAPTER 6 I The Vile Tome 2 Spell Howlers ofVecna (S) Level18 Artillery Medium natural humanoid XP 2,000 each HP 130; Bloodied 65 AC 32, Fortitude 28, Reflex 30, Will 30 Speed 6 STANDARD ACTIONS CD Maddening Touch (psychic)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 12 psychic damage. ® Word of Force (force) + At-Will Initiative + 10 Perception + 11 Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +23 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + 15 force damage. ® Word of Doom (psychic) + At-Will Requirement: The spell howler must be affected by horrific visage. Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +23 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 6 psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the spell howler's next turn. +Word of Madness (psychic)+ Recharge if the power misses Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 5 psychic damage. The spell howler slides the target up to 3 squares, and the target makes a basic attack as a free action against a creature of the spell howler's choice. ::Y Word of Pain (necrotic) + Encounter Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +23 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d1 0 + 10 necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage. TRIGGERED ACTIONS <~ Horrific Visage (psychic) + Encounter Trigger: The spell howler is first bloodied. Attack (No Action): Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); + 2 2 vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the spell howler pushes the target up to 3 squares. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the spell howler cannot use any powers except maddening touch and word of doom. Str15(+11) Dex13(+10) Wis15(+11) Con 16 (+12) lnt 22 (+15) Cha 18 (+13) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common 8 Angel of Valor Veterans (V) Level 16 Minion Soldier Medium immortal humanoid (angel) XP 350 each HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative + 12 AC 32, Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will26 Perception +10 Speed 6, fly 9 (hover) Immune fear; Resist 10 fire, 10 radiant STANDARD AcTIONS CD Greatsword (fire, weapon) +At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 11 fire damage. Str 24 (+15) Dex 18 (+12) Con 18 (+12) lnt 12 (+9) Wis 14(+10) Cha 16 (+11) Alignment unaligned languages Supernal Equipment chain mail, greatsword
Ritual of Endings and Beginnings Any character with the Ritual Caster feat can perform the Ritual of Endings and Beginnings. The characters must use 7,000 gp of residuum. The ritual takes 1 hour to perform; during this time, the caster must concentrate on drawing forth the essence of good or evil from the Well of Many Worlds. During the ritual's performance, the Book ofVile Darkness vanishes from its owner's hands and reappears over the well, as swirling darkness or light rises up from the well's depths to assail the tome. At the end of the ritual, the adventurers can hurl the book into the well, destroying it by choosing a destructive destination (into the heart of the sun, for example) and then succeeding on a DC 32 Arcana check (up to four allies can aid on this check). On a failed check, the book breaks apart, and vile darkness spills into a multitude of different worlds, sparing its owner the doom faced when the artifact moves on but unleashing unimaginable evil upon the planes. If the characters channel evil from the well and keep the compiled Book ofVile Darkness, see "Ending the Adventure" for what happens next. Features of the Area Obelisk: A character adjacent to an obelisk can, with a DC 32 Arcana check, use the following power against a target of his or her choice (as a standard action). If the skill check fails, the obelisk attacks the character instead. STANDARD ACTIONS o(-. Obelisk (psychic, teleportation) +At-Will Attack: Close burst 10 (one creature in the burst); +21 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 8 psychic damage, and the target teleports 1 d6 squares in a random direction. Reality Hole: A creature that enters a square containing a reality hole is removed from play until the start of its next turn. When the effect ends, the creature returns to play in an unoccupied space adjacent to any reality hole on the map. A character with line of sight to a reality hole can end the effect by spending a standard action to make a DC 23 Arcana check. On a success, the creature removed from play is returned in an unoccupied space of the character's choosing. Temporal Disturbance: When a creature starts its turn in a square occupied by or adjacent to a temporal disturbance, roll a d6. On an odd number, the creature is slowed and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the start of its next turn. On an even number, the creature gains an extra move action and gains a + 2 power bonus to attack rolls until the start of its next turn. Well of Many Worlds: Any creature that enters the Well of Many Worlds is removed from play as it vanishes to another plane or an alternate natural world (DM's choice). A character can choose the destination as a free action by succeeding on a DC 32 Arcana check. While removed from play, the creature can take a standard action to make a DC 32 Arcana, History, Insight, or Perception check. On a success, the character reappears in an unoccupied space adjacent to the Well of Many Worlds. Any object dropped into the Well of Many Worlds travels to a random plane and is lost. ENDING THE ADVENTURE The adventure ends when the adventurers successfully destroy the Book of Vile Darkness, when they bind the other books to create the ultimate Book ofVile Darkness, or when the artifact moves on, leaving its former owner a soulless husk. If the adventurers imbue the book with evil from other worlds, the act proves so destructive and so profoundly evil that the characters responsible are destroyed utterly as pure, concentrated evil washes out across the planes. Whether this destroys the cosmos or simply sets the stage for a future campaign is up to you. C HAPTER 6 [ The Vile Tome L I.IJ a: :J 1- z I.IJ > 0 < I.IJ J: 1- lJ z 0 z I.IJ
Devour It Before It Devours You "It's a glorious blasphemy, a condemnation of all that is good and pure. Gods and demons have obliterated it many time . but like evil itsel£ the book always returns to enslave, corrupL and destroy. It's utterly marvelous." -Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hell "Only the most indomitable minds dare to look upon the malevolent thoughts and forbidden secrets bound herein. This corrupt tome is filled with deplorable wisdom. h i .. permeates every word and image inscribed within it." - Orcus, Demon Prince ofUndeath "TerrifYing. This could be the last book you ever read." - Mordenkainen the Archmage